"E il verde ramo oscillò: fiabe di folli (1999) di Giuseppe e Giuseppina Bonaviri: lo storytelling come lavoro terapeutico con pazienti psichiatrici", International Research Symposium Narrazione e malattia, coordinated and moderated by Stefano Calabrese and Paola Villani, organized by the Università Suor Orsola Benincasa (Naples), Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia (Modena), and  Università di Firenze (Florence), in direct streaming, 2.12.2024, 9:00-13:00 h.

"Le implicazioni didattiche della storia del cibo attraverso la lente transculturale: dal Perù, alla Cina, verso l'Italia e oltre", lecture and round table (Tavola rotonda together with Costantino Maeder/Louvain-la-Neuve, and Fausto De Michele/Graz) held in occasion of the international symposium Giornate di studi - Come si mangia e perché nei discorsi letterari e audiovisivi: Sguardi femminili, sguardi maschili, co-directed by Loreta de Stasio and Paola Populin, in the frame of the International Congress of Research about Nutrition and Eating (Convegno Internazionale di Ricerca sul cibo e il mangiare), Universidad del País Vasco | Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea, Facultad de Letras | Letren Fakultatea, Dep. de Filología e Historia, in cooperation with Ambasciata d'Italia Madrid and Gobierno Vasco | Eusko Jaurlaritza, Universidad del País Vasco | Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea, Aula Magna/Facultad de Letras, Vitoria Gasteiz/Spain, 18.-19.11.2024, 18.11.2024, 12:40 h - 20:00 h.

"Da un neologismo all’inversione del canone: cambi del paradigma transculturale nella storia editoriale da Fernando Ortiz ad Armando Gnisci e Wolfgang Welsch", lecture held in occasion of the international panel Gli editori: agenti nascosti della canonizzazione, panel n. 7 co-directed by Peter Kuon and Marina Pagano, in the frame of the international congress XXVI Convegno AIPI - Canone inverso: riscritture e ibridazioni nella lingua, nella letteratura e nella cultura italiana, Universidad de Sevilla, Facultad de Filología, calle Palos de la Frontera s/n, 41004 Sevilla/Spain, 7.-9.11.2024, 7.11.2024.

"Land der Frauen"? - Die "Übersetzung" von Gewalt, Geschlecht und Sprache in Literatur, lecture  and book presentation organized together with Peter Lang Publishing Group, International Frankfurt Book Fair presenting Italy as the Guest of Honor 2024 ("Verwurzelt in der Zukunft" |"Radicati nel futuro" | "Roots in the Future"), Frankfurter Buchmesse, Braubachstraße 16, 60311 Frankfurt am Main, hall 4.0, booth G48, 18.10.2024, 14:30-15:30 h. 

"Serata letteraria con Dacia Maraini in conversazione con Dagmar Reichardt", interview with Dacia Maraini (online via Zoom), organized, coordinated and moderated by Prof. Anastasija Gjurcinova, University SS. Cirillo e Metodio of Skopje, Italian Department, and the Ambassy of Italy in Skopje, in the frame of the 24th Settimana della lingua italiana nel mondo, Europe House Skopje, Skopje, North Macedonia, 16.10.2024, 19:00-22:00 h.

Vita e spettacolarizzazione della vita. Verso il centenario dei Quaderni di Serafino Gubbio di Luigi Pirandello, morning panel directed by Dagmar Reichardt presenting special guest Prof. Pietro Frassica (University of Princeton), symposium organized by Lia Fava Guzzetta, Giorgio Forni, Francesco Galatà and Maria Melania Vitale, Università di Messina, Accademia dei Pericolanti, Messina / Italy, 29.4.2024, 9:00 -18:00 h.

Sergio Di Giacomo, „Pirandello e il Cinema, esperti a confronto a Messina: domani l’importante Giornata di Studi nella sala dell’Accademia Peloritana dei Pericolanti. Interverranno docenti di varie Università italiane e estere“, in: Gazzetta del Sud, Messina, 28.4.2024.

N.N., „Oggi al Rettorato: Pirandello e il Cinema. Giornata di Studi“, in: Gazzetta del Sud, Messina – Sicilia, 29.4.2024.

Sergio Di Giacomo, „Fu geniale animatore del dibattito sul Cinema: uno degli aspetti meno conosciuti del grande Luigi Pirandello. A Messina un’intensa Giornata di studi con tanti esperti e docenti di livello internazionale“, in: Gazzetta del Sud, Messina – Sicilia, 5.5.2024.

"Dinamiche di coesione e collisione nel contesto delle esperienze migratorie autobiografiche nel terzo millennio: il Cinema transculturale e la Pedagogia del disagio al servizio dell'apprendimento dell'Italiano LS/L2", held together with Ada Plazzo, in the frame of the international congress Quo vadis, italiano 2024? In Sprachen wiedergeboren. Autobiographien und transkulturelle Begegnungen | Linguaggi per rinascere: autobiografie e incontri transculturali, directed by Simona Bartoli-Kucher and Tommaso Meozzi (Universität Graz), organized in cooperation with Nicola Locatelli (Istituto Italiano di Cultura di Vienna), Universität Graz, Mehrzwecksaal 0.008, Merangasse 70, Graz / Austria, 25.-27.4.2024, 26.4.2024, 17:30-17:50 h.

"Vino vitale siciliano e profumato tsukemono sottaceto: la HERstory matriarcale delle donne Maraini dal Risorgimento al postmodernismo", in the frame of the congress Cibo è/e donna nel Risorgimento letterario: miti e archetipi del nutrimento, directed by Rossella Palmieri, Università di Foggia, Aula Magna del Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici, Via Arpi 176, Foggia / Italy (3.4.2024) and Sala Congressi, Residence Il Porto, Mattinata nel Gargano / Italy, (4.4.2024), held on 3.4.2024 at Università di Foggia / Italy, 15:00-18:30 h.

"Rosa Balistreri: A colei la cui passione non si spegne mai", greetings from Dagmar Reichardt read by Sicilian poet Piero Carbone on the occasion of the opening of the new library in the Rosa Balistreri Museum ("La casa di Rosa"), Centro Studi Cultura siciliana e mediterranea, Via Martinez 42, Licata / Italy, 21.3.2024, 10:30 h.

"Triangulation im Klassenraum: Die kategorielle Wirkung auf die Weltkultur der 'minoritären' Fremdsprache Italienisch", XIII. Deutscher Italianistiktag 2024 Categorie: formazione, trasformazione, (inter-) azione | Kategorien: Bidung, Wandel, (Wechsel-) Wirkung, organized by Deutscher Italianistikverband DIV, Fachverband Italienisch in Wissenschaft und Unterricht e.V., hosted by Albert-Ludwig-Universität Freiburg, Teaching Methodology Section (Sezione: Didattica delle lingue | SektionFachdidaktik), directed by Domenica Elisa Cicala and Andrea Klinkner, Albert-Ludwig-Universität Freiburg, 7.-9.3.2024, Freiburg im Breisgau, Platz der Universität, Faculty of Romance Studies (Fakultät Romanistik), KG I, HS 1221, 8.3.2024, 16:00-16:30 h.



"L’assenza del cibo come sintomo di un trauma collettivo in tempi di guerra: Da Calvino resistenziale e il vuoto postmoderno al controdiscorso conviviale contemporaneo in Dacia Maraini", XVII International Congress Cibo, letteratura e oltre: un viaggio tra Italia, País Vasco e le visioni di Italo Calvino (i.e.: Food, Literature and Beyond: A Journey between Italy, País Vasco and the Visions of Italo Calvino), organized by: Área de Italiano, Departamento de Filología e Historia, Facultad de Letras (Universidad del País Vasco, EHU-UPV, Vitoria-Gasteiz, Spain), in cooperation with: Center for Italian Studies GLOBALIT (Louvain Research Center for Global and Comparative Studies, Université Catholique de Louvain UCL, Louvain-La-Neuve, Belgium) and the Italian Ambassy in Spain (Ambasciata d'Italia Madrid), Universidad del País Vasco, 10., 16. and 17.11.2023, (10.11.2023: Salón de grados; 16. and 17.11.2023: Aula Magna), Universidad Vitoria-Gasteiz, Vitoria, Basque Region/Spain, Aula Magna, Faculty of Literatures and Languages, 17.11.2023, 10:30-11:00 h.



"How to Cope Creatively With Crisis in Times of Collective Trauma", Section 3 directed by Dagmar Reichardt, introducing Sarit Zeltzer (Integrating Mindfulness practitioner, Tel Aviv, Israel) in the frame of the panel Posttraumatic and Postcolonial Aspects in the Arts and Their Multifaceted Connections to Therapeutic Parameters, in the frame of the 2nd European Art Therapy congress Growing Together, organized by the European Federation of Art Therapy (EFAT) together with the Art Academy of Latvia and Rīga Stradiņš University (Medical School), panel and all day seminar directed by Dagmar Reichardt, Katharina Fürholzer (Universität Rostock, Germany) and Julia Pröll (Universität Innsbruck, Austria), Art Academy of Lativa, O. Kalpaka bulvāris 13, Centra rajons, LV-1050 Rīga, Latvia, Room 10, 16.6.2023, 12:00-13:00 h.

"On the Wings of Life: Transgenerational Bonds, Politics, and Art Therapy in Italy", Section 1 Methodological Introductions: from Trauma to the Politics of Doing (moderated by Julia Pröll), lecture held together with Dr. Giuseppina Bonaviri (National Psychiatry Health Service, Frosinone, Italy) in the frame of the panel and all day seminar Posttraumatic and Postcolonial Aspects in the Arts and Their Multifaceted Connections to Therapeutic Parameters of the 2nd European Art Therapy congress Growing Together, organized by the European Federation of Art Therapy (EFAT) together with the Art Academy of Latvia and Rīga Stradiņš University (Medical School), panel directed by Dagmar Reichardt, Katharina Fürholzer (Universität Rostock, Germany) and Julia Pröll (Universität Innsbruck, Austria), Art Academy of Lativa, O. Kalpaka bulvāris 13, Centra rajons, LV-1050 Rīga, Latvia, Room 10, 16.6.2023, 9:30-10:30 h.

Transculturalism - Heading for a New Postmigration Era, in the frame of Journée d'études. La littérature européenne de la postmigration: théorie et cartographie, international symposium organized in the frame of the spring seminar of the research cluster ARC NarraMuse by Prof. Dr. Hubert Roland, Prof. Dr. Costantino Maeder, Dr. Amaury Dehoux (all: Université Catholique de Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium), Université Catholique de Louvain-la-Neuve, Collège Jacques Leclercq, Place Montesquieu 2, B-1348 Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, Campus, whole day symposium, 10:00-17.30 h, Auditorium: MORE 54, 23.5.2023, 11:45-13:00 h.


"La sagoma, nebulosa e rossastra, dell’Italia – Zum 100. Geburtsjahr Pier Paolo Pasolinis: Porno-Theo-Kolossal, sein letztes Offenes Kunstwerk", presentation of the first, recently released German edition of Pier Paolo Pasolini's latest film project "Porno-Theo-Kolossal", with reading, film and conversation on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of Pier Paolo Pasolini's birth (on March 5, 2022), with Reinhold Zwick (Universität Münster, Germany) and Fabien Vitali (independent researcher in Venice, Italy), the event was also livestreamed via the Istituto's YouTube channel and Facebook page, Italian Cultural Institute of Hamburg | Istituto Italiano di Cultura Hamburg, Hansastraße 6, 20149 Hamburg, Germany, 22.11.2022, 19:00 h.

Presentation of the book Verga innovatore | Innovative Verga. L’opera caleidoscopica di Giovanni Verga in chiave iconica, sinergica e transculturale /
 The Kaleidoscopic Work of Giovanni Verga in Iconic, Synergetic and Transcultural Terms, collection of essays in three languages edited and with an introduction by Dagmar Reichardt and Lia Fava Guzzetta, with a preface by Rita Venturelli (Istituto Italiano di Cultura Amsterdam), vol. 1 of the book series Transcultural Studies – Interdisciplinary Literature and Humanities for Sustainable Societies (TSIL), Frankfurt a.M. et al.: Peter Lang, 2016, 382 pp., presentation and discussion of the book held together with Lia Fava Guzzetta, promoted by CentoSicilie and Associazione culturale Antonello da Messina, on the occasion of the award ceremony of Premio Antonello da Messina 2022 | Antonello da Messina 2022 Award, Feltrinelli Point, Messina, Italy, 4.11.2022, 19:30-21:00 h.

Sergio Di Giacomo: "Messina, ecco Verga innovatore", in: Avvenire, section "Agorà", 3.11.2022, p. 19.

N.N.: "Si apre oggi: convegno internazionale su Giovanni Verga", in: Gazzetta del Sud, section "Messina", 3.11.2022, p. 20.

Serdig: "Il convegno per il Centenario di Giovanni Verga: 'Le miniature di Verga: narrativa breve e scena del mondo'", in: Moleskine. Notes mensile di informazione, attualità, cultura, arte e spettacolo, monthly magazine directed by Geri Villaroel, edited by Moleskine Associazione Culturale, Messina, October 2022, p. 50. 

Anna M. Crisafulli Sartori: "Verga come anticipatore di tecniche della scrittura: Il convegno internazionale organizzato dalla nostra Università sul grande scrittore siciliano", in: Gazzetta del Sud, 10.11.2022.

Read these reviews by clicking on the button "Conferences organized by Dagmar Reichardt" < Verga in "Miniature": Short Narrative and Scenes of the World (3.-4.11.2022) on this website!

"Bonaviri, rivoluzionario del Sud: Il libro di pietra come modello per una nuova convivenza transculturale", lecture held in occasion of the international panel Benvenuti al Nuovo Sud. Costellazioni, collaborazioni e trasformazioni transculturali, panel co-directed by Dagmar Reichardt together with Colbert Akieudji, Domenica Elisa Cicala, Laura Fournier, Michelangelo La Luna, and Carmen Van den Bergh, in the frame of the international congress XXV Congresso AIPI: Raccontare la realtà - Italia ieri e oggi, Università degli Studi di Palermo, Polo didattico, edificio 19 (aula 11), Viale delle Scienze, Palermo, Italy, 27.10.2022.

"Rosa Balistreri e la sua rivoluzione del grido", greetings from Dagmar Reichardt read by Sicilian poet Piero Carbone on the occasion of the 5th edition of the Festival Salva la tua lingua locale - Pillole di dialetto, 5th edition 2022, S. Margherita di Belice, Palazzo Filangeri di Cutò, Italy, 26.8.2022, 21:30 h.

Nicola Scardina: "Licata, cultural laboratory inaugurated: Casa di Rosa", in: NewSicily [Italian-English web-portal], 24.3.2024.

Nicola Scardina: "Rosa Balistreri – Erinnerung an die sizilianische Protestsängerin", in: Kultur-Port.De [German web-portal], 27.3.2024

"Il sintomatico incontro tra Verga e Zola: prospettive interculturali e transmediali di una letteratura mondo / littérature monde", conference held with Angelo Pagliardini (Universität Innsbruck, Austria) in the frame of the congress A New Approach to Italian Cultural History / Studi bilaterali sulla letteratura italiana e francese / Bilateral Studies on Italian and French Literature, organized by Grazia Dolores Folliero-Metz (Universität Siegen, Germany), Maria Teresa Girardi (Università Cattolica di Milano, Italy), and Christoph Oliver Mayer (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Germany), Villa Vigoni, Centro italo-tedesco per il dialogo europeo / Villa Vigoni, Deutsch-Italienisches Zentrum für den Europäischen Dialog, Loveno di Menaggio, 1.-5.8.2022, 3.8.2022, 9:15-10:00 h.

"Glocal Parameters of Sustainability in an Interconnected World: New Transcultural Configurations from a European Perspective", lecture held for the workshop Transculturalità: un concetto operativo in Europa? - Transculturality: an Operational Concept in Europe? - Transculturalité: un concept opérationnel en Europe?, organized by La Sapienza Università di Roma and Université Paris Nanterre, in the frame of the Jean Monnet Project Transcultural Europe in the Global World (TransEU), moderated and presented by Prof. Silvia Contarini and Prof. Franca Sinopoli, with the support of the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union, Aula Organi Collegiali (Aula del Rettorato), Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma, 27.5.2022, 9:30-18:30 h.

"La scrittura glocale di Bonaviri romanziere, poeta e saggista", lecture held in the frame of the congress L'Opera mondo di Giuseppe Bonaviri, organized by Centro Studi Internazionale Giuseppe Bonaviri, in the frame of the Anno Bonaviriano 2022/2023 -Verso il centenario della nascita, moderated and presented by Luigi Saitta, Biblioteca nazionale centrale di Roma, Via Padova 92, 00161 Roma, 21.3.2022, 9:00-13:30 h.

Massimiliano Perrotta, "Bonaviri merita di essere riletto, ripensato, reinventato", in: Huffington Post, (Cultura), 20.3.2022, online: https://www.huffingtonpost.it/cultura/2022/03/20/news/bonaviri_merita_di....

Centro Studi Internazionale Giuseppe Bonaviri: "Verso il centenario della nascita: L'Opera mondo di Giuseppe Bonaviri", in: La Repubblica, (inserto "Focus Cultura"), 20.3.2022.

"Zur Nutzung fremdsprachendidaktischer Transkulturalitätsparameter im Italienischuntericht als Zweit- und Fremdsprache", XII. Deutscher Italianistentag, Sektion Fachdidaktik, moderated and organized by Akad. Rätin PD Dr. Domenica Elisa Cicala (Katholische Universität Eichstätt-Ingolstadt) and Dr. Andrea Klinkner (Universität Trier), Ludwigs-Maximilians-Universität München, Fakultät für Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaften, Institut für Italienische Philologie, Raum M 118, 10.-12.3.2022, 11.3.2022, 14-14:30.

"Maria Montessori's Transcultural Itinerary from Rome to the US, Spain and The Netherlands via India and Beyond", in the frame of the International Women's Day 2022: Featuring Author and Scholar Dacia Maraini, [Symposium in honor of Dacia Maraini's lifework and celebration of the International Women's Day on March 8, 2022], public online round table with 14 guest speakers, moderated and organized by Michelangelo La Luna, University of Rhode Island, USA, in collaboration with Dagmar Reichardt, Latvian Academy of Culture, 9.3.2022, 12:00-2:00pm EST (18:00-20:00pm Italy time).


"Maria Montessori: Dalla pedagogia scientifica ed educazione cosmica alla glottodidattica transculturale", held togehter with Ada Plazzo (Universidad del País Vasco), Panel 5: Alfieri illustri della transculturalità – Per una didattica della cultura italiana nel terzo millennio, organized by Dagmar Reichardt (Latvian Academy of Culture LAC, Riga/Latvia), Domenica Elisa Cicala (Catholic University of Eichstätt – Ingolstadt/Germany), Maurizio Rebaudengo (Convitto Nazionale Umberto I, Torino), XXIV Convegno della Associazione Internazionale Professori di Italiano AIPI, Scienza, arte e letteratura - Lingue, culture, narrazioni che si incrociano, Université de Genève, Geneva, Switzerland, online webinar (on zoom through the platform of Université de Genève), 28.6.2021.

"Preview: The Many Translations of the Work of Dacia Maraini", International Women's Day. Featuring Nobel Prize in Literature Nominee Dacia Maraini, moderated and organized by Prof. Michelangelo La Luna, University of Rhode Island (URI), welcoming remarks: URI President David M. Dooley and URI Associated Dean (College of Arts and Sciences) Nedra Reynolds, the meeting included Short presentations, Questions and Answers, Breakout Rooms on some of the major themes covered in Dacia Maraini's writings as diversity and inclusion, feminism, gender, LGBTQIA+, prostitution, violence against women, women's rights, etc., Zoom-meeting, 5.3.2021, 12:15-2:15 pm ET (18:15-20:15 Italy time), for the contribution of Dagmar Reichardt and Dacia Maraini's answer view minutes: 3:11:53' - 3:20:23'.

View the video with Dacia Maraini, video directed and event organized by Professor Michelangelo La Luna:


Passcode: U78!8yeM


"Giuseppe Bonaviri's Book of Stone (1984-2009): A Blueprint for Literary Glocalization", 2020 Annual Meeting of the Swiss Association of Comparative Literature Literarische Glokalisierung. Glocalisation littéraire. Literary Glocalization organized by DGAVL/ASLGC, directed by Phlippe P. Haensler, Stephanie Heine, and Sandro Zanetti, Universität Zürich, Zürich, Switzerland, 19.-20.11.2020, 23.4.2021, via Zoom, 20.11.2020, 9:30-13:00 h.

"Pasolinis letzter König", reading from the filmscript Porno-Theo-Kolossal (text by Pier Paolo Pasolini, translated from Italian into German by Dagmar Reichardt) by German actress Hannelore Hoger, Round Table with Reinhold Zwick (Universität Münster, Germany), Katholische Akademie (Catholic Academy Hamburg), Herrengraben 4 (St. Michaelis-Hof),  20459 Hamburg, Germany, 24.9.2020, 19 h. [postponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic; originally announced for the 25.3.2020].

"Zur Nutzung fremdsprachendidaktischer Transkulturalitätsparameter im Italienischunterricht als Zweit- und Fremdsprache", XII. Deutscher Italianistentag Movimenti – Bewegungen (Movements), Panel Foreign Language Instruction (Sektion Fachdidaktik) directed by Prof. Donatella Troncarelli (Università per Stranieri di Siena) and PD Dr. Domenica Elisa Cicala (Katholische Universität Eichstätt), Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Institut für Italienische Philologie, Geschwister-Scholl-Platz 1, 80539 München, Germany, 5.-7.3.2020, 6.3.2020 [postponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic; new date t.b.a.]..



Discorsi di invettività nella letteratura, nel fumetto e nel cinema: Le dinamiche narratologiche e socialmente regolative nei conflitti di migrazione, International Conference Tagung TP-M: "Raccontare la denigrazione", organized by Technische Universität (TU) Dresden (Sonderforschungsbereich 1285: „Invektivität. Konstellationen und Dynamiken der Herabsetzung“), organized by Prof. Dr. Elisabeth Tiller, Dr. Antje Junghanß and Bernhard Kaiser M.A. (all: TU Dresden), 17.-19.10.2019, Festsaal im Rektorat, Mommsenstraße 11 / Wiener Straße 48, Dresden, Germany, 18.10.2019, 11:15-12:00 h.

Parametri transculturali per la didattica dell'italiano LS/L2, Convegno internazionale L'italianistica nel terzo millennio: Le nuove sfide nelle ricerche linguistiche, letterarie e culturali. 60 anni di Studi Italiani all'Università "SS. Cirillo e Metodio" di Skopje, organized by the Università "SS. Cirillo e Metodio" in Skopje, Faculty of Philology "Blaze Koneski", 27.-28.9.2019, Panel Glottodidattica, Room "Sala 3", Skopje, Macedonia, 27.9.2019, 16:15-17:45 h.

Modalità euristiche e "modus vivendi" transculturale. Espressioni socioculturali violente attraverso l'ignoto ridicolizzato e l'"invisibile nascosto", XXIII Congresso ADI - Associazione degli Italianisti, Università di Pisa (Letteratura e scienze), in cooperation with Scuola Normale Superiore (SNS), under the patronage of Comune di Pisa, 12.-14.9.2019, Panel 11 La capacità euristica della letteratura italiana nei confronti della "violenza", directed by Costantino Maeder (Université Catholique de Louvain, Louvain-La-Neuve, Belgium) and Loreta De Stasio (Universidad del Pais Vasco, Vitoria, Spain), Università̀ di Pisa, in collaboration with SNS, under the auspices of the Comune di Pisa, Pisa/Italy, 12.-14.9.2019, Panel 11, 13.9.2019, 9:00-13:15 h.

"The Nonverbal Language of Italian Fashion", 5th International Conference on Culture, Languages and Literature 2019 (ICCLL 2019) / 3rd International Conference on E-Society, E-Education and E-Technology 2019 (ICSET 2019), Ming Chuan University, No. 1, Section 4, Zhongshan North Road, Zhongshan District, Taipeh, 10461, Taiwan / 中山北路四段1號, 中山區, (台北市, 10461), Taipei, Taiwan, 15.-17.8.2019, Conference Room J317, 15.-17.8.2019, 16.8.2019, 15:30-15:45 h.

"Transdisciplinary Communication and Culture", meeting with the Senior Advisor to the Minister of Culture Fawaz A. Farooqui, Ministry of Culture KSA, King Faisal Road, Al Diriyah, Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, 24.7.2019, 14:00-15:30 h.

"Maraini and Pasolini – Transcultural Gender Roles in the Heterotopian Vision of the Pro-Minorities and Post-Materialist Movement in Italy", Biennial Conference 2019 of the Society for Italian Studies (SIS), lead organisers: Davide Messina and Federica G. Pedriali, 26.-28.6.2019, Panel 61 + Panel 71 directed by Maurizio Rebaudengo and Dagmar Reichardt, The Winter of Italy’s Discontent: L’identità italiana utopica e distopica negli anni ’70, part I. Tra politica e cultura (Room G.02, 11:30-13:00 h), part II. Letterature (Room G.04, 15:30-17:00 h), University of Edinburgh, School of Literatures, Languages and Cultures, Department of European Languages & Cultures, 50 George Square, Edinburgh EH8 9LH, United Kingdom, 28.6.2019, 11:30 h-13:00 h.

"Le risate postcoloniali su invettive storiche: I racconti di lotta nel fumetto italiano", international conference about "Racconti di lotta / Relatos de lucha y de violencia", directed by Professor Loreta de Stasio (University of the Basque Country/Universidad del Pais Vasco), organized by Loreta de Stasio and Paola Populin (University of the Basque Country/Universidad del Pais Vasco), University of the Basque Country, Faculty of Humanities / Facoltà di Lettere EHU-UPV, Aula Magna, Vitoria-Gasteiz/Bilbao, Spain, 9.-10.5.2019.

Round table discussion about Les études sur Giovanni Verga en Europe aujourd'hui, conversation with Angelo Pagliardini (Universität Innsbruck), Alessandro Monachello (Université Paris 8/LER), Laura Fournier-Finocchiaro (Université Paris 8/LER), directed by Xavier Tabet (Université Paris 8/ LER), organized by Laura Fournier-Finocchiaro, in cooperation with Université Paris 8 Vincennes-Saint-Denis, Maison de l'Italie - Cité Internationale Universitaire, 7A boulevard Jourdan, 75014 Paris 14e, France, 27.3.2019, 18:00-20.00 h.

Dacia Maraini: Buchvorstellung und Gespräch. "Corpo felice. Storie di donne, rivoluzioni e un figlio che se ne va" (Dacia Maraini presents her latest novel "Corpo felice. Storie di donne, rivoluzioni e un figlio che se ne va"), a book presentation and conversation introduced and directed by Dagmar Reichardt, organized by and in cooperation with Prof. Dr. Rotraud von Kulessa, Universität Augsburg, Faculty of History and Philology, venue at the public library Stadtbücherei Augsburg, Ernst-Reuter-Platz 1, S-Forum, Augsburg, Germany, 28.1.2019, 18:00 h.

1) Dacia Maraini - Buchvorstellung und Gespräch, in: www.kultur-port.de, online: on 25.1.2019.

2) Read the announcement of this event on the homepage of the Latvian Academy of Culture,, online on 25.1.2019.


"Contingenza polifonica e Transcultural Switching. Il 'duo' lirico Cavalleria rusticana (1890) di Pietro Mascagni e Pagliacci (1892) di Ruggero Leoncavallo nella ricezione musicale globale dall’Ottocento al Terzo Millennio", Panel 2: Polifonia musicale – Le vie delle melodie italiane in un mondo transculturale, organized by Dagmar Reichardt (Latvian Academy of Culture LAC, Riga/Latvia), Donatella Brioschi (Italian Institute of Culture Hamburg/Germany), Domenica Elisa Cicala (Catholic University of Eichstätt – Ingolstadt/Germany), Mariella Martini-Merschmann (Hochschule für Musik und Theater Hamburg/Germany), tutor: Valentina Carbonara, XXIII Convegno della Associazione Internazionale Professori di Italiano AIPI, Le vie dell'italiano: mercanti, viaggiatori, migranti, cibernauti (e altro). Percorsi e incroci possibili tra letteratura, lingua, cultura e civiltà, Università per Stranieri di Siena, Siena, Italy, Auditorium 8 (1st floor), 5.9.2018.

Valeria Strambi: "Musica, arte, scienza e cucina - ma quanto italiano c'è nel sapere. In settembre a Siena 350 studiosi della nostra lingua si riuniranno per fare il punto sui tanti modi per insegnarla", in: La Repubblica (Firenze), 10.7.2018, p. VII. Online: http://unistrasi.waypress.eu/RassegnaStampa/LeggiArticolo.aspx?codice=OPF2114.TIF&subcod=20180710&numPag=2&tipo=GIF

N.N.: "Anche Benigni a Siena con i prof di italiano. Dal 5 all'8 settembre in programma un convegno dedicato alla nostra lingua con 350 studiosi", in: Trova Firenze, 26.7.2018, p. 45. Online: http://unistrasi.waypress.eu/RassegnaStampa/LeggiArticolo.aspx?codice=LL35032.TIF&subcod=20180727&numPag=1&tipo=GIF.

Paola Tomassoni: "A tutto Benigni. Unistra: l'Oscar con 500 docenti di italiano", in: La Stampa (Siena), 2.8.2018, p. 3.

“Little Italies in The Americas: Heterotopia Near and Far", International Conference AATI (American Association of Teachers of Italian), Università degli Studi di Cagliari, Facoltà di Studi Umanistici, 20.-25.6.2018, panel 42 "Ovunque nel mondo: l'Italia, l'italiano e il sentirsi italiani (2)", organized by Colleen Ryan and Cinzia Marongiu (Indiana University), chair: Maurizio Rebaudengo (Convitto Nazionale "Umberto I", Torino) and Dagmar Reichardt (Latvian Academy of Culture, Riga), Facoltà di Studi Umanistici, Via San Giorgio 12, Campus Aresu, Cagliari, Italy, Aula 9, 22.6.2018, 15:00-16:40 h.

“Il destino (s)confinante dell’opera verghiana nell’Italia post-1918 oltre le sponde, i confini e le frontiere di spazio e tempo", International Conference "Sponde, confini, trincee: l’Italia nell’Europa post-1918", University of Iceland, 7.-8.6.2018, organized by Stefano Rosatti (University of Iceland), chair: Pietro Trifone (University Tor Vergata Roma), University of Iceland, Brynjólfsgata 1, 107 Reykjavík, Veröld, Vigdís’ House, Iceland, 8.6.2018, 10:30-10:50 h.

“Tutto Pasolini: la sceneggiatura del San Paolo (1977)", Northeast Modern Language Association NeMLA, 49th Annual Convention "Global Spaces, Local Landscapes and Imagined Worlds", Local Host: University of Pittsburgh, Administrative Sponsor: University of Buffalo SUNY, 12.-15.4.2018, panel 9.22 "Il teatro e il cinema di Pier Paolo Pasolini: interpretazioni e analisi" (Italian and Comparative Literature), chair: Ugo Perolini (Università degli Studi G. D'Annunzio, Pescara) and Marco Marino (Sant'Anna Institute, Sorrento), Omni William Penn Hotel Pittsburgh, room Sternwheeler, Pittsburgh PA/Pennsylvania, USA, 13.4.2018, 13:15-14:45 h.

"Migration und das Pennebaker Paradigma. Trauma und therapeutische Aspekte in der Lyrik des Dichters und Arztes Giuseppe Bonaviri", Medical Humanities-Tagung. Lyrik und Medizin, international workshop, organized by Institut für Geschichte, Theorie und Ethik der Medizin, Universität Ulm, directed by Prof. Dr. Florian Steger, Gewölbesaal im Haus der Stadtgeschichte - Schwörhaus, Weinhof 12, Ulm/Germany, 20.-22.3.2018.


"The Transcultural Language of Fashion: The Italian Habitus and Today's Nomadic Lifestyle", section "Transkulturelle Lebenswelten / Transcultural Life-Worlds", panel 20 "Diversity and Otherness in Corporealities" organized by Lisa Gaupp and Giulia Pelillo-Hestermeyer, International Conference Bewegende Körper / Bodies in Motion, 3. Jahrestagung der kulturwissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft (KGW) / Third Annual Conference of the German Society for Cultural Studies, 200 Years Ghent University, Faculty of Arts and Philosophy, Ghent University, Blandijnberg 2, Ghent/Belgium, room 160.015, 18.11.2017, 11:30-13:00 h.

"Tradizioni e traduzioni nomadi: Jhumpa Lahiri", international congress In limine. Frontiere e integrazioni, organized by Diego Poli, section about "Spazi liminali e la scrittura al femminile" within panel 5 ("Le frontiere linguistiche e i processi di integrazione"), co-organized by Carla Carotenuto, Università di Macerata, Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici - lingue, mediazione, storia, lettere, filosofia, Auditorium UNIMC, Via Padre Matteo Ricci 2, Macerata/Italy, 10.11.2017, 15 h. 

"Le traduzioni e strategie editoriali in area germanofona", international conference Le tante traduzioni dell’opera di Dacia Maraini. Simposio in occasione del suo 80esimo anniversario di vita e lavoro nei campi della letteratura, del teatro e della cultura e politica italiana - The Many Translations of the Work of Dacia Maraini. Symposium on the Occasion of the Writer’s 80th Birthday and Many Years of Work in the Fields of Italian Literature, Theatre, Culture and Politics, initiated and organized by Dagmar Reichardt and Maria Belén Hernández Gonzalez, Forum Austriaco di Cultura, Viale Bruno Buozzi, 113, Rome/Italy, 15.10.2017, 12.15-13.00 h.

"Cultura: simposio internazionale sulle traduzioni dell'opera di Dacia Maraini", in: Il confronto. Periodico di informazione, cultura, arte e politica, 6.10.2017, online: http://ilconfronto.wixsite.com/ilconfronto/single-post/2017/10/06/Cultura-simposio-internazionale-sulle-traduzioni-dell%E2%80%99opera-di-Dacia-Maraini.

"Discorsi di maternità e il mito 'terra madre' nella letteratura della migrazione afro-italofona contemporanea", International congress Dynamik, Begegnung, Migration, organized by 35. Romanistentag des Deutschen Romanistenverbandes, panel 2 "Unerhörte Stimmen aus der Afro-Romania: Genderdiskurse im Kontext von Selbst- und Fremdwahrnehmung 'nach' der Migration" organized by Julia Borst, Stephanie Neu-Wendel, Juliane Tauchnitz, and Maria Zannini, Universität Zürich UZH, Zürich/Switzerland, 8.-12.10.2017.

"The Anxiety of the Migrant in the Work of Giuseppe Bonaviri and its Transcultural Therapy", 7th Biennial Congress Fear & Safety ENCLS / REELC European Network for Comparative Literary Studies / Réseau Européen d'Études Littéraires Comparées, in partnership with the Kone Foundation, the Finnish Literary Association (KTS) and the Dystopian project Darkening visions: Dystopian fictions in contemporary Finnish litterature, in partnership with the Kone Foundation, the Finnish Literary Association (KTS) and the Dystopian project, Panel Framing New Identities through Fear, Insecurity and Anxiety in Contemporary European Literatures: Provocative Case Studies Délimiter de nouvelles identités à travers la peur, l'insécurité et l'anxiété dans la littérature européenne: étude de cas provocateurs directed by Franca Sinopoli, University of Helsinki, Building Porthania, room P673, Helsinki/Finland, 23.8.2017, 11.30-13.30 h.

"Pirandello and The Pennebaker Paradigm. Cultural trauma and postcolonial therapies", XIV. A.P.I. International Conference Italian Postcolonialisms: Past and Present, A.P.I. Association of Professional Italianists in South Africa / Associazione Professori d'Italiano in Sudafrica 2017, Panel "Sessione Speciale Pirandello", in the frame of the lecture-series "Pirandello International 2017. Pirandello in un mondo globalizzato. Nuovi approcci nel contesto dei cultural turns" on the occasion of the 150 Anniversary of Pirandello's year of birth organized by Europäisches Pirandello Zentrum e.V., University of the Witwatersrand, Wits Club Olives and Plates, Private Bag 3, Wits 2050, Johannesburg, South Africa, 11.8.2017, 13:00-16:20 h.

"Rooted in Rome: the transcultural switch in the nomadic Italophone writing of Jhumpa Lahiri", 9th Biennial ACIS Conference "Scontri e incontri": The dynamics of Italian transcultural exchanges, Monash Prato Centre, 4-7 July 2017, sponsored and organized by the Australasian Centre for Italian Studies (ACIS), Monash University and La Trobe University, Panel Crossing points and subversion, Prato/Italy, 5.7.2017, 16-17.30 h.

"Collaborative Translation and Research", Symposium Session 1 chaired by Dagmar Reichardt (3 slots: 1. "The Translation Encounter: using Translation Studies and Linguistics to reconstruct the Violence of Translation during the Dakota-US war (1862-1878). A cross-disciplinary study", 2. "Fin again: a collaborative translation project as a work in progress", 3. "Challenging Monolingualism: On-site Multilingualism and Lingua Francas in a Global Workplace"), in the frame of TransCollaborate. A Symposium on Collaborative Translation, a research-project funded by the Monash-Warwick-Alliance, 3.-4.7.2017, Monash Prato Centre, Prato/Italy, Sala Giochi, 3.7.2017, 13-15 h.

"Verismo - Neorealismo - Nuovo Realismo. Transcultural Aspects in the Work of Giovanni Verga", A.A.T.I. American Association of Teachers of Italian - International Conference Abroad, 28.6.-2.7.2017, Panel n. 74: In Search of a "Sicilian" Identity - From Verga to the Present, Università di Palermo, Polo didattico dell'Università, Aula 8, Palermo/Italy, 1.7.2017, 15.00-16.40 h.

"Moda - Arte - Gender. Amicizie 'all’italiana': la moda come ponte transculturale tra l’Italia e il mondo", Le Silhouette. Dialoghi sull'identità femminile in occasione del centenario della nascita della scrittrice ungherese Magda Szabó, presentation and round table with the writers Dacia Maraini and Antonella Cilento, Accademia d'Ungheria, Via Giulia 1, Rome/Italy, 30-31 May 2017.

"100 Jahre Magda Szabó: Weibliche Silhouetten in Mode, Kunst und Literatur", Lettische Kulturakademie, section "News" ("Forschung + News"), 25.5.2017, http://kulturmedien-riga.de/news/forschung/91-100-jahre-magda-szab%C3%B3-weibliche-silhouetten-in-mode,-kunst-und-literatur.html.

"Canzoni nomadi tra i generi e le culture: le migrazioni musicali della cantautrice Etta Scollo", International Conference Popular Music et migration / e migrazione / y migración: 1990-2015, organized by Gerhild Fuchs, Birgit Mertz-Baumgartner, Ursula Mathis-Moser, Institute of Romance Studies, University of Innsbruck, Innsbruck/Austria, 5 -7 April 2017.

"The many languages of Italian fashion", International Conference on the occasion of the 5th year of Italian Studies at the Department of Specialized and Intercultural Communication Studies (Faculty of Applied Linguistics) at the University of Warsaw Dal monologo al polilogo: l'Italia nel mondo. Lingue, letterature e culture in contatto, organized by Anna Tylusinska-Kowalska and Elzbieta Jamrozik, University of Warsaw, Warsaw/Poland, 7-8 April 2017.

"Bonaviri e Verga sulla luna", International Conference Scrittura fantastica in Bonaviri, organized by Istvan Puskás and Franco Zangrilli, University of Debrecen, Debrecen/Hungary, 9 -10 March 2017.

"Discorsi poetici avveniristici in Il dire celeste (1976), Il re bambino (1990) e I cavalli lunari (2004)", International Conference POETRY - Inside and Outside the Avant-Gardes / POESIA. Dentro e fuori le avanguardie, organized by Eny Di Iorio and Franco Zangrilli, Istituto Lorenzo de’ Medici, Tuscania (Viterbo)/Italy, 12-13 January 2017.


"Postkolonialismus, Migration, Transkulturalität in literarischer Perspektive", Villa Vigoni encounters 2016. Open-minded relationships - The transcultural dialogue between Germany and Italy in literature, cinema and media /  Villa Vigoni colloquio 2016. Relazioni franche e aperte - Il dialogo transculturale tra Germania e Italia nella letteratura, nel cinema e nei media / Villa Vigoni Gespräche 2016. Aufgeschlossene Beziehungen - Deutschland und Italien im transkulturellen Dialog. Literatur, Film, Medien, organized by Eva-Tabea Meineke, Anne-Rose Meyer-Eisenhut, Stephanie Neu-Wendel, Eugenio Spedicato, funded by the German National Fund for Research (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft DFG) and Villa Vigoni, Villa Vigoni - German-Italian Center for European Excellence - Centro italo-tedesco per l'eccellenza europea - Deutsch-italienisches Zentrum für europäische Exzellenz, Loveno di Menaggio/Italy, 21.-25.11.2016, held on 23.11.2016.

"Dacia Maraini e lo scrivere meandrico", IX Congreso Internacional AUDEM Mujeres de letras: pioneras en el arte, ensayismo y la educación, Sección A - Ensayistas y literatas: Escritoras de ensayo y otros géneros que han aportado obras relevantes a la historia de la literatura, coordinated by Elena Meseguer and Isabel Guardiola, Facultad de Letras - Universidad de Murcia, Murcia/Spain, 20.-21.10.2016, 21.10.2016, 9.30-10.40 h.

"The work of Fernando Ortiz and his impact on Europe", Group Section “The Languages of Theory”, Main building HS 7, 23.7.2016, 16-18 h, XXI. Congress of the ICLA International Comparative Literature Association "The Many Languages of Comparative Literature", University of Vienna/Austria, Vienna, 21.-27.7.2016.

"Johann Friedrich Reichardt’s Mignon: from an educational Kunstlied to a transcultural vision", First International Conference of the Oregon University School of Music and Dance Musicking: Performance, Politics & Personalities, Opening Panel "Romanticism and Historical Performance Practice", 12.-16.4.2016, Eugene/Oregon, Collier House – University of Oregon/USA, 13.4.2016.

"Transkulturelle Gewaltdiskurse im italienischen Comic: Die postmoderne Repräsentation der afrikanischen Kolonialkriegserfahrung in Volto Nascosto (2007-2008) von Gianfranco Manfredi", Deutscher Italianistentag 2016, title of the conference: Serialität - Reihen, Fortsetzungen, Folgen/Serialità - collane, continuazioni, puntate, 3.-6.3.2016, Universität Halle-Wittenberg, organized by DIV - Deutscher Italianistenverband, panel: Cultural Studies, directed by Prof. Dr. Robert Fajen, 5.3.2016.


"Johann Friedrich Reichardt's Mignon: from an educational Kunstlied to a transcultural vision", "Rethinking Cultural Memory 1700-1850", conference organized by The Nordic Association of Romantic Studies NARS and the Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies, University of Copenhagen/Denmark, 4.-5.12.2015.

"Migrazione - discorsi minoritari - transculturalità: il caso di Jhumpa Lahiri e le relazioni italo-indiane nella cultura e nella letteratura contemporanea italofona", International Conference "Écrire entre les langues - Scrivere tra le lingue", Université Paul-Valéry-Montpellier III, Montpellier/France, 19.-20.11.2015

"Tutto Pasolini: il San Paolo (1977) come progetto di vita e progettazione di un modo di vivere", International Conference "Anni di piombo (Olomévek)", University of Debrecen/Hungary, 21.-22.10.2015.

Enikő Tóth: "Parlare degli anni di piombo a Debrecen" [review of the conference at Debrecen, mentioning D.R.], in: Debrecen chiama Italia, Department of italian Studies at the University of Debrecen, Hungary, 30.10.2015.

"What is Transculturality?", public lecture held during the workshop "Intercultural Encounters" of the "Masterclass Interculturality: Traveling Concepts and Moving Cultures", co-taught with Mieke Bal and Einar Petterson, Royal Netherlands Institute in Rome (KNIR), in cooperation with University of Amsterdam, University of Oslo, and Fondation Erica Sauter Genève, Rome/Italy, 8.10.2015

"Johann Friedrich Reichardt's Mignon and the Italian Connection", International Conference "Italy as an Inspiration for Writers and Painters/Sculptors from Northern Europe and the USA: North European Authors' and Painters' Letters from Italy", organized by Prof. Randi Langen-Moen, Università di Bologna (Dipartimento di lingue, letterature e culture moderne), Hotel National, Rimini/Italy, 11.-17.9.2015.

"Five parameters of classical antiquity in the work of Giuseppe Bonaviri", Opening of the International Symposium Aspects of Classical Antiquity in the Work of Giuseppe Bonaviri (1924-2009) - Aspetti di classicità antica nell'opera di Giuseppe Bonaviri (1924-2009), co-organized by Université de Genève (Faculté des Lettres), Fondation Hardt (Vandoeuvres) and Fondation Erica Sauter (Vésenaz/Genève), Vandoeuvres/Switzerland, 2.-3.7.2015.

Baldassarre, Marco: "Alla Fondazione Hardt di Ginevra un simposio dedicato allo scrittore siciliano Giuseppe Bonaviri", in: La Sicilia, 13.07.2015, p. 22.

Fondation Erica Sauter: "Internationales Symposium zu Ehren des Schriftstellers Giuseppe Bonaviri", in: Kultur-Port.de, 11.07.2015, http://www.kultur-port.de/index.php/kunst-kultur-news/11793-internationa....

Photos and title display, in: Dante Marianacci - Una vita per la cultura tra creatività e impegno professionale, edited by Angelo Piero Cappello, Simone Gambacorta and Franco Di Tizio (Ed.), vol. 5 of the book series Monografie e Saggi edited by Federica Di Pasquale, Silvi Marina (TE)/Italy: Ianieri Edizioni, 2020, pp. 771-774.

"Zone di contatto e intersezionalità ibrida nelle traduzioni germanofone e neerlandesi della Divina Commedia", International Conference "Il traduttore errante: figure, strumenti, orizzonti", organized by Anna Tylusinska, University of Warschau, Istituto di comunicazione specialistica e interculturale, in cooperation with the Italian Cultural Institute in Warschau, Warschau/Poland, 10.-11.4.2015.


"Dinamiche di coesione e collisione nel contesto delle esperienze migratorie autobiografiche nel terzo millennio: il Cinema transculturale e la Pedagogia del disagio al servizio dell!apprendimento dell!Italiano LS/L2", held together with Ada Plazzo, in the frame of the congress Quo vadis, italiano? In Sprachen wiedergeboren. Autobiographien und transkulturelle Begegnungen, directed by Simona Bartoli-Kucher and Tommaso Meozzi, Universität Graz, Mehrzwecksaal 0.008, Merangasse 70, Graz, Austria, 26.4.2024, 17:30-17:50 h.

"Cultures in Motion: Transculturality", U4 Workshop Concepts and Tools in Cultural Transfer Research. Case: World Literature and Small Literatures. About territories, interfaces and images, in collaboration with the Universities of Ghent, Göttingen and Uppsala, organized by Petra Broomans (University of Groningen), University Hotel, Groningen, The Netherlands, 11.-12.12.2014.

"Littles Italies in Canada: Issues of Migration, Post-Migration and Transculturality", Worlds colliding. National & immigrant minority experience in documentary film & literature, organized and introduced by Jeanette den Toonder (Center for Canadian Studies, University of Groningen) and Dagmar Reichardt (Department of European Languages and Cultures, University of Groningen), featuring guest speakers Tasha Hubbard (filmmaker, University of Saskatchewan), Vamba Sherif (author of The land of the fathers and The witness), Petra Broomans (University of Groningen), Van Swinderen Huys, Oude Boteringestraat 19, Glazen Zaal, Groningen, The Netherlands, 09.12.2014.  

Worlds colliding. National & immigrant minority experience in documentary film & literature, featuring guest speakers Tasha Hubbard (filmmaker, University of Saskatchewan), Vamba Sherif (author of The land of the fathers and The witness), Petra Broomans (University of Groningen), organized and introduced by Jeanette den Toonder (Center for Canadian Studies, University of Groningen) and Dagmar Reichardt (Department of European Languages and Cultures, University of Groningen), Van Swinderen Huys, Oude Boteringestraat 19, Glazen Zaal, Groningen, The Netherlands, 09.12.2014. 

"Discorsi di violenza nel Volto Nascosto (2008) di Gianfranco Manfredi. Da Tempo di uccidere (1947) alla rappresentazione della guerra coloniale nel fumetto europeo", international congress Italy: Violence, Cultural Memory and Transculturality (1990-2014) / Italien: Gewalt, Kulturelles Gedächtnis und Transkulturalität (1990-2014)Il caso italiano: violenza, memoria culturale e transculturalità (1990-2014) /  this congress was initiated and directed by Dagmar Reichardt together with Nora Moll, Rotraud von Kulessa and Franca Sinopoli, Villa Vigoni-Gespräch in den Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften im Rahmen einer Vereinbarung mit der DFG, funded by the German National Fund for Research (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft DFG) and Villa Vigoni, Villa Vigoni - German-Italian Center for European Excellence - Centro italo-tedesco per l'eccellenza europea - Deutsch-italienisches Zentrum für europäische Exzellenz, Loveno di Menaggio/Italy, 8.-10.10.2014.

Dagmar Reichardt: "Villa Vigoni: Gewalt, kulturelles Gedächtnis und Transkulturalität", in: Kultur-port.de ("Kultur und Management"), 11.4.2014.



Find this article also in the Villa Vigoni Press Review 2014, p. 61-64:


"Moda è arte: Fashion Made in Italy", initiated, introduced and directed the panel "Sezione 4: Il linguaggio della moda e del costume italiano", panel organized by Dagmar Reichardt and Carmela D'Angelo, XXI Congress of the Association AIPI - Associazione Internazionale dei Professori di Italiano, Est-Ovest/Nord-Sud. Frontiere, passaggi, incontri culturali, University of Bari/Italy, 27.-30.08.2014.

"Resilient donkeys and sustainable birds. Literary Ecocriticism from Verism to the Animal's Turn in Modern Italian Literature", Ars et Scientia (Animalia) Symposium, organized by Prof. Einar Petterson from the Faculty of Art History at the University of Oslo, The Norwegian Institute in Rome, Villa Sciarra, Viale XXX Aprile, Rome/Italy, 3.-4.6.2014.


"The work of Fernando Ortiz and his impact on Europe", Mediterranean America. Interdisciplinary and plurilinguistic visions, international conference at the University of Groningen (Netherlands), co-organized with the University of Nantes (France) and the Pontificia Universidade Catolica do Rio Grande do Sul (Porto Alegre-Brasil), University of Groningen, Academiegebouw, Broerstraat 5, Aula LE A7, Groningen/The Netherlands, 11.-12.06.2013.

"Giovanni Verga: Verism as Resilience", Seminar Sustainable Citizenship II. Citizens' Resilience in Times of Crisis, organized by Sabrina Corbellini, Raingard Esser and Ruurd Nauta, University of Groningen, Academiegebouw, Van der Leeuwzaal, Groningen/The Netherlands, 20.-21.06.2013.

"The Temptation of Violence in Giovanni Verga and Ennio Flaiano", Temptation Symposium, organized by Prof. Einar Petterson from the Faculty of Art History at the University of Oslo, The Norwegian Institute in Rome, Villa Sciarra, Viale XXX Aprile, Rome/Italy, 27.-28.5.2013.


"Transkulturelle Gewaltaspekte in der zeitgenössischen Letteratura della migrazione al femminile", International conference Transkulturelle italophone Literatur - Letteratura italofona transculturale, DAAD-program "Deutsch-italienische Dialoge", Universität Würzburg, Toscanasaal at the Residence, Würzburg/Germany, 09.-12.10.2012.

„Dal Gattopardo a Benvenuti al sud. Costanti e particolarità cinematografiche del meridione”, panel „Cinema e letteratura” (Alberto Bianchi, Wheaton College), International congress XX Congresso A.I.P.I. L’Italia e le arti: lingua e letteratura a dialogo con arte, musica e spettacolo, University of Salzburg, Salzburg/Austria, 05.-08.09.2012.

„Kreative Spiele der literarischen Sinnhaftig- und Sinnlosigkeit an italophonen und frankophonen Fallbeispielen aus der Nachkriegszeit“, International annual conference of SGAVL/Schweizerische Gesellschaft für allgemeine und vergleichende Literaturwissenschaft Literatur und Spiel, University of Bern, Bern/Switzerland, 08.-09.06.2012.

„The doctor as poet – The poet as doctor. Trauma, therapeutic autobiography and the power of literature”, Ars et Medicina Symposium, The Norwegian Institute in Rome, Villa Sciarra, Viale XXX. Aprile 33, Rome/Italy, organized by the Institute of Art History of the University of Oslo/Norway (Einar Petterson), 7.-.8.5.2012, published as a podcast and on I-tunes on the website of the Ars et Medicina symposium.

„La presenza subalterna in Italia e la scrittura come terapia”, conference Italian Colonial Heritage, University of Amsterdam, organized by the Werkgroep Italië Studies in cooperation with The Postcolonial Studies Initiative/Utrecht University, The Institute of Culture and History/University of Amsterdam, Vereiniging Dante Alighieri Amsterdam, Allard Pierson Museum, Amsterdam/Netherlands, 20.4.2012.


„Insolite traduzioni nordiche: Dante da Philalethes ai Paesi Bassi”, international conference Il Dante degli altri. La Divina Commedia nella letteratura europea del Novecento in occasion of Settimana della lingua italiana („L’italiano degli altri”), presentation: Dr. Dante A. Marianacci, organized by Istituto Italiano di Cultura Vienna, Vienna/Austria, 21.10.2010.

„Bonaviri terapeuta. Letteratura di migrazione e scrittura empatica”, international and interdisciplinary congress Le metamorfosi dell’humanitas nell’Europa della migrazione fra letteratura, medicina e società, organized by: University of Bucharest, Universität Innsbruck, Regione Lazio, KIK – Culture in Contact, and the National Institute for Health, Migration and Poverty (NIHMP)/Istituto Nazionale per la promozione della salute delle popolazioni Migranti e il contrasto delle malattie della Povertà (INMP), Ospedale San Valicano, Trastevere, Rome/Italy, 20.-21.09.2010.

„Cultura cosmopolita. Migrazione, modificazione e modernità liquida nei testi di Salah Methnani, Magdi Allam e Cristina Ali Farah”, XIX Congresso A.I.P.I. Insularità e cultura mediterranea nella lingua e nella letteratura italiane, University of Cagliari/Italy, 25.-28.08.2010.

„Trauma e autobiografia in Pirandello e Bonaviri”, International Congress Finzioni & finzioni: Illusione e affabulazione in Pirandello e nel modernismo internazionale. Fictions & Fictions: Illusion and storytelling in Pirandello and in international modernism, Universities of Louvain and Antwerp, Louvain and Antwerp/Belgium, 21.05.2010.


„Giuseppe Bonaviri e le scienze naturali in versi e prosa”, international conference L’italiano tra arte, scienza e tecnologia, Istituto Italiano di Cultura Vienna, Vienna/Austria, 19.10.2009.

Reviewed in: „Arte e scienza nella letteratura italiana del Novecento. Un convegno internazionale a Vienna. Kunst und Wissenschaft in der italienischen Literatur des 20. Jahrhundert. Internationale Tagung in Wien”, in: Italia & Italy. La rivista centro-europea della cultura italiana. Central European Magazin for Italian Culture. Die mitteleuropäische Zeitschrift für italienische Kultur, Nr. 47-48, July-December 2009, p. 49/50 [in Italian and German]; „Convegno internazionale sul tema Arte e scienza nella letteratura italiana del Novecento, in: Il porticciolo cultura. Portale di cultura, libri e letteratura,  www.ilporticciolocultura.it [20.1.2010] [in Italian].

„L’eredità di Sciascia nel nuovo romanzo regionale siciliano”, international conference Leonardo Sciascia a commemorazione dei 20 anni dalla morte, Universiteit van  Amsterdam (Italiaanse Letterkunde), in cooperation with Fondazione Leonardo Sciascia, Amsterdam/The Netherlands, 11.06.2009.

„A Giuseppe Bonaviri (11.7.1924-23.3.2009): in memoriam“, international conference Ricordo di Giuseppe Bonaviri. Acerba sane recordatio, memorial service for the author Giuseppe Bonaviri in occasion of XXIX Certamen Ciceronianum Arpinas, under the patronage of the President of the Italian Republic, funded by the Ministero dell’Istruzione, dell’Università e della Ricerca, the Ministero degli Affari Esteri, the region of Lazio, the province of Frosinone, the city of Arpino and the foundation Fondazione Umberto Mastroianni in Arpino/Italy, Auditorium Pietro Cossa in Arpino/Italy, 16.05.2009.

Reviewed in: „Libro di Pietra, omaggio a Bonaviri“, in: La Provincia, (Arpino), 16.05.2009, p. 39 [in Italian]; „Libro di Pietra, la nuova pagina“, in: La Provincia, (Arpino), 17.05.2009, p. 43 [in Italian]; „In programma anche il simposio, mostre, concerti, Libro di Pietra, feste e visite“, in: La Provincia, (Arpino), 15.05.2009, p. 40 [in Italian]; „L’ars poetica incontra il genio“ (Claudia Rea), in: Ciociaria Oggi, 16.05.2009, p. 13 [in Italian]; „Il Certamen ed il fascino del latino“, in: La Provincia, (Arpino), 16.05.2009, p. 38 [in Italian]; „L’omaggio al Cavalier d’Arpino. Oggi l’inaugurazione della mostra iconografica“, in: La Provincia, (Arpino), 15.05.2009, p. 41 [in Italian]; „Certamen, edizione XXIX. L’arrivo in città dei latinisti“, in: Ciociaria Oggi, (Arpino Arce), 15.05.2009, p. 13 [in Italian]; „Certamen, oggi l’erede di Cicerone“, in: La Provincia, (Arpino), 17.05.2009, p. 42 [in Italian]; „È il giorno della gloria“, in: Ciociaria Oggi, (Arpino), 17.05.2009, p. 14 [in Italian].

„Il nuovo noir siciliano all’inizio del terzo millennio: testimonianze regionali tra trash e tradizione“, American Association for Italian Studies (AAIS) Annual Conference 2009, lecture for panel no. 8 (title: I gialli regionali, director of panel: Prof. Jana Vizmuller-Zocco), St. John’s University, Manhattan Campus, New York/USA, 7.-10.05.2009.

„Il Sud d’Italia: area culturale esotica o crocevia di confine dell’identità europea?”, round-table with Giorgio De Michelis, Ali Adel Jabbar and Filippo Radaelli, concluding the two-terms-lecture-cycle Italia e Italie: identità di un paese al plurale at Universität Innsbruck/Austria, (organized by Italien-Zentrum/Centro Italia, presented by Prof. Wolfgang Pöckl), 28.01.2009.


„Storia e storie in piazza. L’opera prima di Antonio Tabucchi: Piazza d’Italia”, international conference in occasion of Settimana della lingua italiana, La lingua e la piazza nella letteratura italiana del Novecento, presentation: Dr. Dante A. Marianacci, organized by Istituto Italiano di Cultura Vienna, Vienna/Austria, 20.10.2008.

Repetition lectures:

„La piazza in primo piano. Costruzioni storiche di Antonio Tabucchi”, lecture at München University, Department for Romance Studies, in cooperation with Istituto Italiano di Cultura Monaco, organized by Dr. Antonio Piazza, Munich,, 24.10.2008.

„Piazza d’Italia di Antonio Tabucchi”, lecture at University of Groningen in occasion of Giornata del lettore, Department of Romance Languages and Cultures, Faculty of Arts, in cooperation with Ministero degli Affari Esteri/Italy,  organized by: Dr. Maria Carmela D’Angelo, Offerhauszaal (Academiegebouw) of the University of Groningen, Groningen/The Netherlands, 30.10.2008.

Il re pensieroso: Ugo Betti e la Germania”, international conference Ugo Betti Today – L’attualità di Ugo Betti, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow/Great Britain, 24.-25.04.2008.


Participating at the press conference on the occasion of the award of the International Flaiano Prize for Italian Studies XXXIV Premio Internazionale d’Italianistica Flaiano 2007, Incontro con il vincitore del Premio Flaiano di Letteratura 2007, under the patronage of the President of the Italian Republic and in collaboration with the Italian Department of the Exterior and the Italian Ministry of education and cultural affairs, in cooperation with the region Abruzzo, Mediamuseum, Pescara/Italy, 07.07.2007, 6:30 p.m.; including expression of thanks during the celebrations of the XXXIV Premi Internazionali Ennio Flaiano: letteratura, teatro, cinema, televisione, Teatro Monumento d’Annunzio, 08.07.2007, 8:30 p.m.

Reviewed in: „Flaiano, la notte delle stelle: Tanto spazio anche per le idee dei giovani. La notte del Flaiano“ (Cristina Mosca), in: Il Tempo, (Abruzzo), year LXIV, no. 187, 09.07.2007, p. 1 and p. 36 [in Italian]; „Flaiano, la grande notte delle stelle: Premi Flaiano, Pegaso e battute. Notte di stelle dello spettacolo al teatro D’Annunzio“ (Paola Aurisicchio), in: Il Centro, year XXII, no. 185, 09.07.2007, p. 1 und 29 [in Italian]; „Pescara, entusiasmo per le stelle del Flaiano: Flaiano, la notte più bella dell’estate“ (Patricia Fogaraccio), in: Il Messaggero, (Abruzzo), year 129, no. 185, 09.07.2007, p. 33 and 35 [in Italian].

„Nuove prospettive europee: passato, presente e futuro transculturale nell’area italo germanica”, 6th European Meeting of University Professors on the occasion of the 50th Anniversary of the Treaties of Rome (1957-2007): A new humanism for Europe. The role of Universities, general subject D (Creatività e memoria: storia, letteratura, lingua e arti), panel D4 (Memoria storica dell’Europa e immaginario letterario moderno e contemporaneo), international conference/part 2, coordination: Comitato Europeo dei Cappellani Universitari, Vicariato di Roma, Ufficio Pastorale Universitaria, under the patronage of the President of the Italian Republic, organized by: Consilium Conferentiarum Episcoporum Europae (CCEE), in cooperation with: Congregazione per l’Educazione Cattolica, Pontificio Consiglio per la Cultura, Commissione delle Conferenze Episcopali della Comunità Europea (COMECE), Commissione Europea, Ministero dell’Università e della Ricerca, Conferenza dei Rettori delle Università Italiane (CRUI), Libera Università Maria Santissima Assunta LUMSA, Rome/Italy, 22.06.2007.  [Italian, with simultaneously translation in English, French, Spanish and German]

Reviewed in: „Letteratura, voce della storia europea. L’iniziativa della Pastorale Universitaria alla LUMSA“ (Laura Alfano), in: LUMSA News, year VIII, no. 24, 20.06.2007, p. 5 [in Italian].


„Autoren des Writers’ Room lesen – Schreibwerkstatt Reiters Ruhm mit Dagmar Reichardt“, Dose Open ’06, open day of the Artists’ House in Dosenfabrik (open studios), in cooperation with the Hamburg Ministry of Culture, Künstlerhaus Dosenfabrik, Stresemannstraße 374 a-e, Hamburg, 19.11.2006, 12 a.m.-7 p.m.

„La civiltà letteraria italo-tedesca”, 5th European Symposium of University Professors (in preparation to the European Meeting of University Professors of 2007 on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of Rome Treaty) Europe, where are you going? Culture, peoples, institutions, panel III (A New Humanism for the European Culture), international conference/part 1 (part 2 in June 2007), organized by: Vicariato di Roma, Ufficio per la Pastorale Universitaria, under the patronage of: Presidenza della Repubblica Italiana, in collaboration with: Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri, Ministero dell’Università e della Ricerca, Rappresentanza Italiana della Commissione Europea, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche CNR, Conferenza dei Rettori delle Università Italiane CRUI, Libera Università Maria Santissima Assunta LUMSA, Rom/Italy, 30.09.2006. [In Italian; with simultaneously translation in English, French, Spanish and German]

Reviewed in: „Europa, l’università motore di integrazione. V Simposio alla LUMSA“ (Enrico Lenzi), in: Avvenire, 28.09.2006, p. 11 [in Italian].

„Modi di immaginazione cartografica: tempi visualizzati, fisicità della memoria e identità culturale secondo Sciascia”, XVII Congresso A.I.P.I. 2006 Tempo e memoria nella lingua e letteratura italiana, international conference of the Associazione Internazionale dei Professori d’Italiano (AIPI), Istituto di Ricerca su Letteratura e Società nelle Marche presso l’Università di Ascoli Piceno, Ascoli Piceno/Italy, 23.08.2006.

Directed the 6. panel Scritture della differenza of the XVII Congress A.I.P.I. 2006 „Tempo e memoria nella lingua e letteratura italiana”, International Congress of the Associazione Internazionale dei Professori d’Italiano (AIPI), in cooperation with Istituto di Ricerca su Letteratura e Società nelle Marche presso l’Università di Ascoli Piceno, Ascoli Piceno/Italy, 23.08.2006.

„Europawoche 2006: L’Europa che comincia e finisce: la Sicilia“, presentation: Dr. Dagmar Reichardt (Bremen University) and Dr. Ivana Paonessa (Hamburg University), with vocal interludes by the sicilian singer Etta Scollo (Berlin), on the occasion of the Europawoche 2006, (organized by: Consolato Generale d’Italia and the Istituto di Cultura Hamburg), in collaboration with Peter Lang GmbH/Europäischer Verlag der Wissenschaften, library of the Italian Cultural Institute Hamburg, Hamburg, 09.05.2006, 6:30-8:30 p.m.

Reviewed in: „Termine”, in: Writers’ Room Newsletter 05-2006, electronical distribution list to club members (Hartmut Pospiech).

„Inaugurazione del monumento del Libro di Pietra del poeta tedesco Matthias Politycki: Bar Fabbrizio“, inauguration of the german poem solemnly exposed in the public space of the city of Arpino/Italy, with the poet Dr. Matthias Politycki, in occasion of the XXVI Certamen Ciceronianum Arpinas, under the patronage of the Republic of Italy and European Parliament, as part of the European poetry project Il libro di pietra 2006 directed by Dr. Giuseppe Bonaviri, supported by the 1st mayor of the city of Arpino/Italy On. Sindaco Fabio Forte, president of the Centro Studi Umanistici „M. Tullio Cicerone” Filippo Materiale and the president of the Fondazione Umberto Mastroianni in Arpino/Italy On. Massimo Struffi, Piazza Municipio in Arpino/Italy, 06.05.2006, 10:30-12 a.m.

Reviewed in: „L’Europa da Cicerone: Libro di Pietra, un’altra pagina” (Luciano Nicolò), in: Ciociaria Oggi, 05.05.2006, p. 21 [in Italian]; „L’attualità di Cicerone” (N.N.), in: Ciociaria Oggi, 06.05.2006, p. 15 [in Italian]; „Der weißeste Wind der Welt. Applauso! Der kleine Ort Arpino in den Abruzzen und sein internationales Lyrikprojekt Das Buch aus Stein” (Matthias Politycki), in: Süddeutsche Zeitung, 08.05.2006, p. 14; „Un’estate con i libri. Olvasmányok a nyárra“ (Dante Marianacci), in: Italia & Italy. La rivista centro-europea della cultura italiana. Central European Magazin for Italian Culture. Az olasz kultúra közép-európai magazinja, no. 30-31, May-August 2006, p. 2. [in Italian and Hungarian]; „Il libro di Pietra di Arpino. Az Arpinói Köbe Vésett Könyv“ (Massimo Struffi), in: Italia & Italy. La rivista centro-europea della cultura italiana. Central European Magazin for Italian Culture. Az olasz kultúra közép-európai magazinja, no. 30-31, May-August 2006, p. 13 [in Italian and Hungarian]; „Su questa pietra canta il poeta. Ezen a kövön a költö dalol” (Giuseppe Bonaviri), in: Italia & Italy. La rivista centro-europea della cultura italiana. Central European Magazin for Italian Culture. Az olasz kultúra közép-európai magazinja, no. 30-31, May-August 2006, pp. 14-15 [in Italian and Hungarian]; „Wie bitte, abhängen? Das Buch aus Stein – revisited” (Matthias Politycki), in: Matthias Politycki: Vom Verschwinden der Dinge in der Zukunft. Bestimmte Artikel 2006-1998, Hamburg: Hoffmann und Campe, 2007, pp. 244-246.


„Matthias Politycki e la poesia contemporanea in Germania”, XXV Certamen Ciceronianum Arpinas, under the patronage of the Republic of Italy and European Parliament, as part of the European poetry project Il libro di pietra 2005 directed by Dr. Giuseppe Bonaviri, supported by the 1st mayor of the city of Arpino/Italy On. Sindaco Fabio Forte, president of the Centro Studi Umanistici „M. Tullio Cicerone” Filippo Materiale and the president of the Fondazione Umberto Mastroianni in Arpino/Italy On. Massimo Struffi, Palazzo Boncompagni (Sala di rappresentanza, Piazza Municipio) in Arpino/Italy, lecture with Dr. Matthias Politycki (conceptual collaboration) and Alessandro Quasimodo (recitation of poems), 07.05.2005, 5 p.m. Afterwards solemnly award of the Medal of Cicero presented in the name of the region of Latium (no. 63/100, hand-embossed by Federico Gismondi).

Reviewed in: „Il Libro di Pietra è poesia” (Luciano Nicolò), in: Ciociaria Oggi, 07.05.2005, p. 21 [in Italian]; „Certamen, stamane la cerimonia di premiazione” (Luciano Nicolò), in: Ciociaria Oggi, 08.05.2005, p. 16 [in Italian]; „La nuova Europa dei poeti è qui” (Sacha Sirolli), in: La Provincia, 08.05.2005, p. 35 [in Italian]; „Ha vinto il ,Montale’ di S. Donà di Piave” (Sacha Sirolli), in: La Provincia, 09.05.2005, p. 14 [in Italian]; „Giù il sipario si pensa alla XXVI edizione del Certamen” (Sacha Sirolli), in: La Provincia, 10.05.2005, pp. 28-29 [in Italian]; „Arpino e Balatonfüred. Un gemellaggio nel nome della poesia” (N.N.), in: Italia & Italy. La rivista centro-europea della cultura italiana. Central European Magazin for Italian Culture. Az olasz kultúra közép-európai magazinja, no. 24-25, May-August 2005, pp. 12-15 [in Italian and Hungarian]; „Das Buch aus Stein. Wie sich ein kleines Provinzstädtchen zunehmend in Poesie verwandelt” (Matthias Politycki), in: Matthias Politycki: Vom Verschwinden der Dinge in der Zukunft. Bestimmte Artikel 2006-1998, Hamburg: Hoffmann und Campe, 2007, pp. 237-243; Giuseppe Bonaviri. Arpino e il Libro di Pietra. Scritti. In memoria di Giuseppe Bonaviri 1924-2009, edited by Massimo Struffi, Arpino: Fondazione Umberto Mastroianni, 2009, p. 74.

„Mapping Sicily. From postcoloniality to neo-metaphorization”, lecture with power-point-presentation, Michigan Academy 2005, French and Italian Language and Literature Section, chair: Matthew Hilton-Watson, Annual Meeting, Eastern Michigan University, Ann Arbor/USA, Ypsilanti, 05.03.2005.

Reviewed in.: „French Language, Literature & Culture: Abstracts – 2005 Meetings“”, in: Michigan Academician. Papers of the Michigan Academy of Science, Arts & Letters, vol. XXXVI, winter 2005, no. 4,  Eastern Michigan University, USA, p. 52/53 [in English].

Repetition lecture: „Mapping Sicily. From postcoloniality to neo-metaphorization”, lecture with power-point-presentation, 3. Transdisziplinäres Forum Magdeburg (Transforma # 3) Zeit, Raum, Agency – Time, Space, Agency, international conference of Magdeburg University Otto-von-Guericke, Panel FriB 01: Maps and Metaphors, Magdeburg, 15.07.2005, 5-7 p.m.


„Neuere Literatur aus Sizilien“, lecture series Italiens Literaturen und Kulturen by the ZWB (Zentrum für Weiterbildung) in cooperation with the Bremen University Italian department, Teerhof, Bremen, 17.11.2004, 7:30-9 p.m.

„Zur Theorie transkultureller Theatralik. Standortbestimmung und Re-Mix zwischen Visualität und Verbalität“, Bremen Colloquium for young academics, directed by Cecile Sandten and Öcal Cetin (later: Cecile Sandten, Kathleen Starck and Martina Schrader-Kniffki), University of Bremen in collaboration with the International University of Bremen IUB, Institute for Social Sciences of Bremen University, Barkhof 1160, 16.10.2004, 10 a.m.-6 p.m.

„Italienische Autoren auf der Frankfurter Buchmesse: Giuseppe Bonaviri. Moderation: Dr. Dagmar Reichardt, Dr. Anna Campanile“, International Frankfurt Book Fair, 06.10.2004, 4-5 p.m., Forum Belletristik, Hall 4.1, Q 145 (organized by: Istituto Italiano di Cultura Frankfurt; Buchmesse Frankfurt AG).

Giuseppe Bonaviri describes this Frankfurt encounter in the short story Gli uccelli. The Birds, by Gianluigi Mastandrea and Giuseppe Bonaviri, translated into English by Lorna Watson, Catania: La Cantinella, 2005.

„Drames sur drames. Les relations entre fiction et histoire dans le théâtre francophone algérien et antillais des années 50 et 60“, Frankoromanistentag Démocratie, littérature, langue – Demokratie, Literatur, Sprache, Panel 3 Literarisierte Geschichtserfahrung in französischsprachigen Texten des 20. Jahrhunderts, Freiburg University Albert-Ludwig, 30.9.2004.

„Italia ibrida: la Sicilia come terzo spazio nel discorso interculturale“, XVI. International congress of the Associazione Internazionale dei Professori d’Italiano (AIPI) Italia e Europa: dalla cultura nazionale all’interculturalismo, Jagiellonian University BOIN Kraków, Kraków/Poland, 25.-29.08.2004.

Presenting the event „Mokambo Concert“ (Berlin, Hamburg, Bremen, Lucerne) on the occasions of the Taormina Arte 2004 – Musica, teatro, danza (Panel: Theater), international festival, artistic director: Melo Freni, event director: Anke Zimmermann, academic advice: Dr. Dagmar Reichardt, with Bettina Jensen (soprano), Ariadna Zagrean-Chiba (piano), Nicola Möller-Larosa and Loredana Siragusa (acting), patronage: Assessorato Regionale del Turismo, delle Comunicazioni e dei Trasporti, and: Assessorato Regionale dei Beni culturali e ambientali e della Pubblica istruzione della Regione Sicilia, Piazza IX Aprile, Taormina/Italy, 23. and 24.07.2004, always 11 p.m.

„The King Tumbles. Power and Violence in Cultural Conflicts“, 2. Transdisziplinäres Forum Magdeburg (Transforma # 2) Discourses of Violence – Violence of Discourses. Diskurse der Gewalt – Gewalt der Diskurse, international conference of Magdeburg University Otto-von-Guericke, Panel SatA 08: Expressing Violence and Trauma, 03.07.2004, 1 a.m.-3:30 p.m.

„Das Buch und seine Metamorphosen. Aspekte des Verlagswesens in Deutschland und Italien“, lecture and round-table discussion in German and Italian, with Prof. Riccardo Campa (University of Siena) and Dr. Rainer Moritz (Verlag Hoffmann & Campe and director designate of the Literaturhaus Hamburg e.V.), presentation: Dr. Dagmar Reichardt (University of Bremen), (organized by the Consolato Generale d’Italia and the Istituto di Cultura Hamburg), Freie Akademie der Künste in Hamburg, Klosterwall 23, Hamburg, 10.06.2004, 7:30 p.m.

„Text – Bild – Theater. Visuelles Schreiben und angewandte Intermedialitätsanalyse in der literaturwissenschaftlichen Fremdheitsforschung“, as part of the 4 term ring event Empiriebegriffe und Forschungsmethoden in den neueren Philologien, University of Bremen (department 10), Bremen, 27.04.2004, 11:45 a.m.-1:15 p.m.

„Die politische Situation in Italien. Podiumsdiskussion zur europäischen Ratspräsidentschaft“, in collaboration with the Società Dante Alighieri and the Deutsch-Italienische Gesellschaft Bremen e.V., with Dr. habil. Helga Bories-Sawala (University of Bremen) and Prof. Giovanni Carpinelli (University of Turin) in cooperation with the Erasmus lecturers’ mobility post at the University of Bremen, Gerhard-Marcks-Haus/Teerhof, Bremen, 20.01.2004 (originally scheduled 11.11.2003), 8 p.m.


„Voir l’Orient. Flauberts Tentation de saint Antoine und das Phantastische als Intermedialitätsphänomen”, XXVIII. Deutscher Romanistentag Kontinuität, Konkurrenz und Kompetenz. Was will die deutsche Romanistik?, Panel 15 (Die französische Literatur des XIX. Jahrhunderts und der Orientalismus), Institute of Romance Studies, Kiel University Christian-Albrecht, Kiel/Germany, 30.09.2003.

„Foscolo traduttore: problemi di empatia, tecnica discorsiva e traslazione”, XVIII. International Congress AISLLI (Cinquantenario dell’AISLLI, Consorzio di Università Belghe, Istituto Italiano di Cultura) Identità e diversità nella lingua e nella letteratura italiana, Panel 16 (Teoria e prassi della traduzione III), Universités de Louvain – Louvain-la-Neuve – Antwerpen – Bruxelles, Louvain-la-Neuve/Belgium, 17.07.2003.

„Letteratura civile: Oriana Fallaci über Macht und Machtmissbrauch”, visiting lecture on invitation by Prof. Dr. Titus Heydenreich, Institute of Romance Studies of the University of Erlangen-Nürnberg, organized by the Institute of Romance Studies of the University of Erlangen-Nürnberg, Erlangen/Germany, 29.01.2003, 6 p.m.


„Im insularen Labyrinth. Das Sizilienthema im intertextuellen Vergleich”, visiting lecture on invitation by Prof. Dr. Peter Kuon, Institute of Romance Studies of Salzburg University/Austria, organized by the Institute of Romance Studies of Salzburg University, Salzburg/Austria, 09.12.2002, 4-6 p.m.

„Concetti di sicilianità: un’analisi intertestuale di Bufalino, Grasso e alcuni scrittori stranieri”, XV. A.I.P.I. Congress Lingue e letterature in contatto, Associazione Internazionale di Professori d’Italiano, Panel 7 (Letteratura), Brunico/Italy, Casa Michael Pacher, 26.08.2002.

„Buchpräsentation - Pasquale Hamel: La congiura della libertà, presenting and interviewing Pasquale Hamel, library of the Italian Cultural Institute Hamburg, organized by the Consolato Generale d’Italia and Istituto di Cultura di Amburgo, Hamburg, 28.05.2002, 7 p.m.

Directed the congress Frederick II – Sicilian architecture and art at the time of the Hohenstaufens. Federico II – Architettura ed arti della Sicilia in età sveva. Friedrich II. – Architektur und Kunst Siziliens zur Zeit der Hohenstaufen, congress direction and presentation of the conference in Hamburg, organized by the Region of Sicily in collaboration with the Italian Institute of Culture in Hamburg, Hamburg, 27.-28.05.2002.

„TeatroCittà. Neue italienische Szene“, presenting a press conference on the new literary and theater scene in Italy, Kampnagel Fabrik Hamburg, with Jens Breder, organized by Kampnagel Hamburg in collaboration with the Italian Cultural Institute Hamburg and the Centro di ricerca per il teatro CRT Milano, Hamburg, 6.5.2002.

„La drammaturgia contemporanea in Italia – Gegenwartsdramatik aus Italien: Begegnung mit Gian Maria Cervo. Einführung: Andreas Beck. Moderation: Dr. Dagmar Reichardt“, Italian Cultural Institute Hamburg, organized by the Italian Cultural Institute Hamburg in collaboration with Deutsches Schauspielhaus, Hamburg, 23.01.2002, 8 p.m.


„Paul Willems zwischen Realität und Fiktion, belgitude und Wortartefakt: Nationales Selbstbild, frankophone Sprachkompetenz und literarische Grenzüberschreitung in La ville à voile“, Day of Francophone Research organized by the Universities of Leipzig and Frankfurt a.M. on the general theme of Zusammenhänge in der Frankophonie, organized by the Institute of Romance Studies, the Frankfurt University Johann Wolfgang Goethe, and the French Center at University of Leipzig, Campus Westend at Frankfurt University Johann Wolfgang Goethe, Frankfurt/Main, 16.11.2001.

Reviewed in: „Bericht über den zweiten Frankophonie-Forschungstag in Frankfurt am Main am 16. November 2001“ (Matthias Middell), in: Grenzgänge. Beiträge zu einer modernen Romanistik 8 (2001), issue 16, pp. 162-166.

„Ruhmbegier und Aufbegehren: Schreibwerkstätten in Frankreich und Italien als Keimzellen literarischer Prozesse“, XXVII. Deutscher Romanistentag Die Einheit der Vernunft in der Vielzahl ihrer Stimmen, Panel 8 (Europäische Verlage und romanische Gegenwartsliteratur), Institute of Romance Studies, München University, Munich, 09.10.2001.

„La cultura italiana nel mondo. Condizione attuale e prospettive”, representing "Germany" (replacing Dr. Hans Magnus Enzensberger), symposium in the framework of the Premi Internazionali Ennio Flaiano di letteratura, teatro, cinema, televisione 28ª edizione, organized by the Premi Internazionali Ennio Flaiano with the patronage of the President of the Republic of Italy and the collaboration of the Ministero degli Affari Esteri, Fondazione Caripe Pescara, Pescara/Italy, 12.-13.07.2001.

„Urbino Chat Reply. Vis-à-vis- und Internet-Konversationen“, Italian Cultural Institute Hamburg, with Prof. Antje Eske and Prof. Kurd Alsleben, organized by the Italian Cultural Institute Hamburg in collaboration with Hochschule für Bildende Künste Hamburg and the Institute of Romance Studies of the University of Hamburg, funded by the Hamburg Culture Department and the K.H. Ditze-Stiftung, Italian Cultural Institute, Hamburg, 06.07.2001, 6 p.m.


„Einladung zur Lesung von Liaty Pisani anlässlich der Neuerscheinung Schweigen ist Silber“, co-presented Liaty Pisani with Prof. Dr. Heinz Willi Wittschier, organized by the Italian Cultural Institute Hamburg, the Institute of Romance Studies, the University of Hamburg, and the publishing house Diogenes Verlag/Zürich,Italian Cultural Institute, Hamburg, 22.11.2000, 7 p.m.

„Pier Paolo Pasolini zum 25. Todestag. Eine literarische Soirée“, roundtable with Giuseppe Zigaina and Prof. Dr. Reinhold Zwick, organized by the Katholische Akademie Hamburg in collaboration with Abaton-Cinema, Istituto Italiano di Cultura Hamburg, and the Nordelbische Medienzentrale, Katholische Akademie Hamburg, Hamburg, 04.11.2000, 8 p.m.

„Der Leib als Basis einer Hochkultur: Körperkonzept und Autonomie der Kunst in Pietro Aretinos ‚Sonetti lussuriosi’“, XVI. Young Romance Language and Literature Colloquium Körper und Schrift, Institute of Romance Studies, University of Leipzig, Leipzig/Germany, 14.06.2000.

„Narrative Konzepte der Kosmosophie im Werk von Giuseppe Bonaviri“, presenting a research project at the École Doctorale, organized by Prof. Dr. Anne Neuschäfer at the Institute of Romance Studies of the University RWTH Aachen, Aachen/Germany, 28.01.2000, 5-6:30 p.m.


„Oriana Fallaci: Lettera a un bambino mai nato (1975)“, XXVII. Deutscher Romanistentag Romanistik: Geschichte und Auftrag, Panel 16 (Scrittura femminile: Zwischen Historie, Fiktion und Autobiographie. Italienische Autorinnen im 20. Jahrhundert), Institute of Romance Studies, University of Osnabrück, Osnabrück/Germany, 27.09.1999.


„Einladung zur Lesung von Giuseppe Bonaviri“, co-presenting Giuseppe Bonaviri with Prof. Dr. Heinz Willi Wittschier, organized by the Italian Cultural Institute Hamburg, the Institute of Romance Studies of the University of Hamburg, and the publishing house ComMedia & Arte Verlag/Stuttgart, dons’ room at University of Hamburg, Hamburg, 11.05.1992, 7 p.m.

Reviewed in: „Bonaviri con D. Reichardt e il prof. R. Harneit, Amburgo, 1992/Bonaviri with D. Reichardt and the Prof. R. Harneit, Hamburg, 1992” (N.N.), in: Uno scrittore come Bonaviri. Iconografia, biografia e bibliografia di Giuseppe Bonaviri, con due lettere di Elio Vittorini e Italo Calvino, un testo di Giorgio Manganelli e tre poesie inedite di Giuseppe Bonaviri, (Le parole, le immagini no. 23), Roma: Edizioni della Cometa, 1995, p. 175 [in Italian]; Bonaviri inedito (Sarah Zappulla Muscarà/Enzo Zappulla), Catania: La Cantinella, 1998, p. 288 [in Italian].


„Die Stimme Italiens: Franca Magnani“, presenting an interview with the journalist and author Franca Magnani to the Hamburg audience, organized by the Literaturhaus Hamburg e.V. and the Istituto Italiano di Cultura, Wandsbek Quarree, Hamburg, 26.10.1990, 7:30 p.m.

„L’Istituto Italiano di Cultura lädt ein zu einer Begegnung mit Giuseppe Bonaviri. Einführung: Dagmar Reichardt“, organized by the Istituto Italiano di Cultura di Amburgo, the association Freunde des Italienischen Kulturinstitutes Hamburg e.V., the Institute of Romance Studies of the University of Hamburg, the Società Dante Alighieri Deutsch-Italienische Gesellschaft e.V. Hamburg, the publisher ComMedia & Arte Verlag Bernd Meyer/Stuttgart, University of Hamburg, Hörsaal Phil E, Hamburg, 23.05.1990, 7 p.m.

Reviewed in: „Der Wind war seine Lektüre. Autor Giuseppe Bonaviri liest heute in Hamburg“ (Siegfried Sammet), in: Hamburger Morgenpost, 23.05.1990, p. 36.


Introducing the Italian journal on Italy, published in German language, Zigzag. Das Italien-Magazin to the audience of the Italian Cultural Institute Wolfsburg, co-presentation with Annette Gandras and Prof. Dr. K. Peter Fritzsche, organized by the Istituto Italiano di Cultura di Wolfsburg, Wolfsburg/Germany, 27.2.1987, 7 p.m.

Reviewed in: „Unbekanntes über ‚Bella Italia’ auf 48 Seiten. Neue Zeitschrift im Kulturinstitut vorgestellt“ (N.N.), in: Wolfsburger Anzeiger, 02.03.1987.

„Deutschsprachige Zeitschriften über Italien: Zigzag, Italienisch und Zibaldone“, round-table-discussion with Prof. Dr. Helene Harth and Prof. Dr. Günter Trautmann, organized by the Istituto Italiano di Cultura di Amburgo and the Institute of Romance Studies of the University of Hamburg, University of Hamburg, Hörsaal Phil G, Hamburg, 19.1.1987, 7 p.m.

Reviewed in: „Deutsche Zeitschriften über Italien im Aufwind“ (editorial contribution), in: Italienisch, no. 17, May 1987, p. 165.