Dacia Maraini: "Land of Women"? - The "Translation" of Violence, Gender and Language in Literature

International Frankfurt Book Fair Italy Guest of Honor 2024

Together with Peter Lang Group editor, Professor Dagmar Reichardt, the cosmopolitan author, poet and playwright from Italy Dacia Maraini gives a lecture (in German and Italian language) on the topic of "Land of Women"? - The "Translation" of Violence, Gender and Language in Literature ("Land der Frauen"? - Die "Übersetzung" von Gewalt, Geschlecht und Sprache in Literatur). - Meet one of Italy's most important voices and a feminist pioneer on Friday, October 18th, 2024, 2:30-3:30 p.m., at the International Frankfurt Book Fair presenting Italy as the Guest of Honor 2024 ("Verwurzelt in der Zukunft" |"Radicati nel futuro" | "Roots in the Future"), at booth G48 in Hall 4.0. 

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Prize "Targa Antonello" awarded to Pietro Frassica (University of Princeton)

Gazzetta del Sud, 5.5.2024

In the frame of the symposium Vita e spettacolarizzazione della vita. Verso il centenario dei Quaderni di Serafino Gubbio di Luigi Pirandello, organized by Lia Fava Guzzetta, Giorgio Forni, Francesco Galatà and Maria Melania Vitale, special guest Prof. Pietro Frassica (University of Princeton) received the prize "Targa Antonello" granted by the Association Antonello da Messina in cooperation with the Rectorate of the Università di Messina, Accademia dei Pericolanti, Messina / Italy, 29.4.2024, 9:00 -18:00 h.

Reflections and Practices for Inclusion

Iain Chambers & Dagmar Reichardt

Narrazioni migranti di un mare transculturale. Riflessioni e pratiche per l'inclusione, co-teaching unit held together with Prof. em. Iain Chambers (Università L'Orientale Federico II di Napoli) coordinated by Professor Raffaele Tumino (Università di Macerata), online webinar at University of Macerata, Macerata, Italy, on Tuesday, April 9, 2024 for further preparing a prospective Transcultural Networking Program.

Rosa Balistreri: To the one Whose Passion is Never Estinguished

View the poster of the new Rosa Balistreri Museum: Casa di Rosa, Licata
"Rosa Balistreri: A colei la cui passione non si spegne mai", greetings from Dagmar Reichardt read by Sicilian poet Piero Carbone on the occasion of the opening of the new Rosa Balistreri Museum ("La casa di Rosa") with its Center for Sicilian and Mediterranean Culture (Centro Studi Cultura siciliana e mediterranea), Via Martinez 42, Licata / Italy, 21.3.2024, 10:30 h.
View the reviews of this event: 

Nicola Scardina: "Licata, cultural laboratory inaugurated: Casa di Rosa", in: NewSicily [Italian-English web-portal], 24.3.2024.

Nicola Scardina: "Rosa Balistreri – Erinnerung an die sizilianische Protestsängerin", in: Kultur-Port.De [German web-portal], 27.3.2024.


A prospective Transcultural Network Program

With Rector John McCourt and Prof. Raffaele Tumino

First Meeting with Rector Prof. John McCourt (first foreign Rector of an Italian university) and Professor Raffaele Tumino, Co-Editor-in-chief of the Italo-English review Transculturale (Scientific periodical of ANVUR Area 10 - Class A) at the Rectorate of Macerata University, Italy, on Monday, November 20, 2023 preparing a prospective Transcultural Networking Program.

Endorsement of "The Round Dance" by Carmine Abate

Half-title of the novel "The Round Dance" by Carmine Abate

Opening endorsement by Dagmar Reichardt for the English version of the book by Carmine Abate, The Round Dance: A Novel, New Brunswick, Camden - Newark, New Jersey - London - Oxford, Rutgers University Press, 2023, with a foreword by Francesco Altimari, translated from Italian into English by Michelangelo La Luna (original title: Carmine Abate, Il ballo tondo, Milano, Mondadori, 1991).


Bonaviri "Between" Reality and Magic

Group photograph with President Giuseppina Bonaviri at the center

„Giuseppe Bonaviri tra realtà e magia”, sub-section IV about the work of the poet, novelist and cultural mediator Giuseppe Bonaviri presented in the frame of Panel 3 Benvenuti al Nuovo Sud. Costellazioni, collaborazioni e trasformazioni transculturali at Università degli Studi di Palermo and directed by Dagmar Reichardt and Colbert Akieudji, 28.10.2022, 11.20 -13.20 h, in the presence of Bonaviri's daughter Giuseppina Bonaviri (author, psychiatrist and President of the Centro Studi Internazionale Giuseppe Bonaviri). The panel ended with a short concert (Il dialetto non è Sud) offered by Piero Carbone and Antonio Zarcone.

Dagmar Reichardt Now Member of PEN International

Dagmar Reichardt Member of PEN Centre Germany in 2022

In July 2022, Dagmar Reichardt was elected member of PEN International, a worldwide non-governmental association of Poets, Essayist and Novelist including Playwrights, Editors and Writers of any form of literature, with over 140 autonomous International PEN Centers in Africa, Asia Pacific, Europe, Latin America and the Caribbean, Middle East and North America. Originally founded in London in 1921, in formal consultative relations with UNESCO and Special Consultative Status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations, the PEN International emphasizes world culture, the freedom of intellectual expression, and engages for writers harassed, imprisoned or in exile for their views, regardless of nationality, race, color, or religion. Dagmar Reichardt was nominated member of the  PEN Centre Germany (Exil PEN - PEN Zentrum deutschsprachiger Autoren im Ausland), established in 1924 and based in Darmstadt, Hesse. The members of PEN International contribute good understanding and mutual respect between nations and people, doing their utmost to dispel all hatreds and to champion the ideal of one humanity living in peace and equality in one world. PEN members stand for the principle of unhampered transmission of thought within each nation and between all nations and are convinced that the patrimony of humanity at large, should be left untouched by national or political passion.

Read this news also in Italian language on the website of the International Association of Professors for Italian AIPI.

Giovanni Verga - A Literary Role Model

"Verga come anticipatore di tecniche della scrittura", in: "Gazzetta del Sud", by Anna M. Crisafulli Sartori, 10.11.2022

From November 3-4, 2022, the University of Messina held a two-day conference on the innovative writing techniques of the Sicilian veristic author Giovanni Verga (1840-1922), which ended with the presentation of the book Verga innovatore | Innovative Verga edited by Dagmar Reichardt and Lia Fava Guzzetta at the Cultural Center of the Feltrinelli bookshop on November 4th, 2022 at 19:30 h downtown Messina, Italy. The anthology had been published in 2016 as the inaugural volume of the book series Transcultural Studies – Interdisciplinary Literature and Humanities for Sustainable Societies launched by Dagmar Reichardt (Peter Lang Publisher) in order to promote interdisciplinary networking and to contribute to the renewal of the research field of international Humanities. Several authors of the book, on the occasion of the centenary of Verga's death, now came from various countries to join the conference in Messina in order to discuss, deepen and advance the themes presented in the volume.

Interview with Mario Desiati: The Expats of the South

Interview with Mario Desiati

„Gli 'Spatriati' e il Sud”, interview with Mario Desiati (Strega Prize winner 2022) conducted by Dagmar Reichardt in the frame of the sub-section III about the transpositions of the south to the theatrical and cinematic stages in Italy presented in Panel 3 Benvenuti al Nuovo Sud. Costellazioni, collaborazioni e trasformazioni transculturali at Università degli Studi di Palermo directed by Domenica Elisa Cicala and Carmen Van den Bergh, the interview was conducted online connecting Berlin and Palermo, 28.10.2022, 9.00 -11.00 h.

L'Opera mondo di Giuseppe Bonaviri - Celebrating Bonaviri's Life 13 Years After his Death

Dagmar Reichardt "on air" giving her talk celebrating Bonaviri's life 13 years after his death

"La scrittura glocale di Bonaviri romanziere, poeta e saggista", lecture held in the frame of the congress L'Opera mondo di Giuseppe Bonaviri, organized by Centro Studi Internazionale Giuseppe Bonaviri, in the frame of the Anno Bonaviriano 2022/2023 -Verso il centenario della nascita, moderated and presented by Luigi Saitta, Biblioteca nazionale centrale di Roma, Via Padova 92, 00161 Roma, 21.3.2022, 9:00-13:30 h. [for further details please visit the entry "Lectures 2022" on this website].

Pasolini's Final "Open Text"

Pasolini Event a Istituto italiano di Cultura, Hamburg, on November 22, 2022

La sagoma, nebulosa e rossastra, dell'Italia - Zum 100. Geburtsjahr Pier Paolo Pasolinis: Porno-Theo-Kolossal, sein letztes Offenes Kunstwerk”, short lecture in the frame of the book launch of Porno-Theo-Kolossal (German edition) by Pier Paolo Pasolini, together with Prof. Dr. Reinhold Zwick (Universität Münster, Germany) and Dr. Fabien Vitali (independent researcher), with a welcome greeting by the Director of the Italian Cultural Institute Francesca Fazion and a public discussion with the audience, Istituto Italiano di Cultura Hamburg, Hansastr. 6, Hamburg, Germany, 22.11.2022, 19:00-22:00 h.

Prix Erica

Sabine Witt, DR. Claus Friede, Stephan Schad

Prix Erica  – European Media, Culture, and Science Award 2022, ceremony presented at the public theatre Deutsches Schauspielhaus, Kirchenallee 39, Hamburg, Germany ("Marmorsaal"), May 14, 2022 from 11.15 a.m. - 2 p.m., lifetime achievement award granted to Prof. Claus Friede, presented by the Director of the Hamburger Autorenvereinigung HAV Sabine Witt, with a laudatio by German actor Stephan Schad and a dedication by Dagmar Reichardt.

Rosa Balistreri's Cry for Social Revolution

Poster: Salva la tua lingua locale

Piero Carbone - winner of the Prize Premio Nazionale Salva la tua lingua locale 2021 (section: Sicilian Dialect) together with his duetting band mate Antonio Zarcone - mentions Dagmar Reichardt's writings about the singer-songwriter Rosa Balistreri (1927-1990) and her revolutionary way of singing against ghettoization (thus tantamounting to a cry for sociocultural inclusion), on the occasion of the 5th edition of the Festival Salva la tua lingua locale - Pillole di dialetto, 5th edition 2022 (please click on minute 30' of the Youtube-video), S. Margherita di Belice, Palazzo Filangeri di Cutò, Italy, 26.8.2022, 21:30 h.

The Dialect is Not South

Piero Carbone (poet), Antonio Zarcone (musician), Dagmar Reichardt

„Il dialetto non è sud”, concert by Piero Carbone (poet) and Antonio Zarcone (musician) in the frame of the Panel 3 Benvenuti al Nuovo Sud. Costellazioni, collaborazioni e trasformazioni transculturali at Università degli Studi di Palermo, directed by Dagmar Reichardt, Colbert Akieudji, Domenica Elisa Cicala, Laura Fournier, Michelangelo La Luna, and Carmen Van den Bergh, sub-section VII Circolazioni e “traduzioni” del Sud nelle arti e nei testi directed by Dagmar Reichardt and Carmen Van den Bergh, 29.10.2022, 9:00-12:30 h, presented to the public by Dagmar Reichardt.

Visit of the President of the Republic of Latvia, H.E. Egils Levits

Visit of the President of the Republic of Latvia, H.E. Egils Levits and Dagmar Reichardt
Visit of the President of the Republic of Latvia, H.E. Egils Levits, on Friday, May 13, 2022 from 11.30 a.m. - 1 p.m. at the Honorary Consulate of the Republic of Latvia, Neuer Wall 10, 20534 Hamburg, Germany on the occasion of granting the highest award of the Republic of Latvia, the Cross of Merit, to the Honorary Professor of the Latvian Academy of Culture, Prof. Klaus Peter Nebel for the establishment of the international master's program in Culture and Media Management at the Latvian Academy of Culture as well as for the extraordinary contribution to the development of the academic and professional curriculum of the study process of Culture and Media Management.


Bonaviri Pending Between Reality and Magic

Bonaviri Pending Between Reality and Magic

Angela Marina Strano: Sospeso tra realtà e magia: Bonaviri, chi è il siciliano che sfiorò il Nobel per la letteratura. Impressionante la mole delle sue opere, dai romanzi alle poesie, alla saggistica, al teatro. Costantemente fuori dal coro e forse per questo apprezzato più all'estero, in: Balarm, 30.10.2021 [mentioning Dagmar Reichardt's activities promoting the work of Giuseppe Bonaviri with three congresses held in Geneva, Vienna and Budapest].

International Women's Day 2021

View the poster of this event with Dacia Maraini

International Women's Day. Featuring Nobel Prize in Literature Nominee Dacia Maraini, moderated and organized by Prof. Michelangelo La Luna, University of Rhode Island (URI), welcoming remarks: URI President David M. Dooley and URI Associated Dean (College of Arts and Sciences) Nedra Reynolds, the meeting included Short presentations, Questions and Answers, Breakout Rooms on some of the major themes covered in Dacia Maraini's writings as diversity and inclusion, feminism, gender, LGBTQIA+, prostitution, violence against women, women's rights, etc., Zoom-meeting, 5.3.2021, 12:15-2:15 pm ET (18:15-20:15 Italy time). 

Preview: The Many Translations of the Work of Dacia Maraini

Dagmar Reichardt's contribution to the International Women's Day 2021

"Preview: The Many Translations of the Work of Dacia Maraini", International Women's Day. Featuring Nobel Prize in Literature Nominee Dacia Maraini, moderated and organized by Prof. Michelangelo La Luna, University of Rhode Island (URI), welcoming remarks: URI President David M. Dooley and URI Associated Dean (College of Arts and Sciences) Nedra Reynolds, the meeting included Short presentations, Questions and Answers, Breakout Rooms on some of the major themes covered in Dacia Maraini's writings as diversity and inclusion, feminism, gender, LGBTQIA+, prostitution, violence against women, women's rights, etc., Zoom-meeting, 5.3.2021, 12:15-2:15 pm ET (18:15-20:15 Italy time), for the contribution of Dagmar Reichardt and Dacia Maraini's answer view minutes: 3:11:53' - 3:20:23'. 

Click on the video-link: 


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