International Women's Day 2021
International Women's Day. Featuring Nobel Prize in Literature Nominee Dacia Maraini, moderated and organized by Prof. Michelangelo La Luna, University of Rhode Island (URI), welcoming remarks: URI President David M. Dooley and URI Associated Dean (College of Arts and Sciences) Nedra Reynolds, the meeting included Short presentations, Questions and Answers, Breakout Rooms on some of the major themes covered in Dacia Maraini's writings as diversity and inclusion, feminism, gender, LGBTQIA+, prostitution, violence against women, women's rights, etc., Zoom-meeting, 5.3.2021, 12:15-2:15 pm ET (18:15-20:15 Italy time).
Preview: The Many Translations of the Work of Dacia Maraini
"Preview: The Many Translations of the Work of Dacia Maraini", International Women's Day. Featuring Nobel Prize in Literature Nominee Dacia Maraini, moderated and organized by Prof. Michelangelo La Luna, University of Rhode Island (URI), welcoming remarks: URI President David M. Dooley and URI Associated Dean (College of Arts and Sciences) Nedra Reynolds, the meeting included Short presentations, Questions and Answers, Breakout Rooms on some of the major themes covered in Dacia Maraini's writings as diversity and inclusion, feminism, gender, LGBTQIA+, prostitution, violence against women, women's rights, etc., Zoom-meeting, 5.3.2021, 12:15-2:15 pm ET (18:15-20:15 Italy time), for the contribution of Dagmar Reichardt and Dacia Maraini's answer view minutes: 3:11:53' - 3:20:23'.
Click on the video-link:
Passcode: U78!8yeM
A "Rose" for Rosa Balistreri (1927-1990) - 30 Years After
Read the news authored by Dagmar Reichardt regarding a 30-years-jubilee-action in honour of the Sicilian singer-songwriter Rosa Balistreri in Licata, Italy (Dreißigjähriges Jubiläum für Siziliens Singer-Songwriterin Rosa Balistreri, online publication on www.kultur-port.de, 19.9.2020) and follow some spontaneous online reviews and reactions in Sicily (reporting a personal commentary and literal quotation of Dagmar Reichardt): 1) https://www.sicilia24h.it/2020/09/18/il-ricordo-di-rosa/ (Giuseppe Maurizio Piscopo: "Il ricordo di Rosa", in: Sicilia 24h, 18.9.2020); 2) https://www.siciliaonpress.com/2020/09/18/licata-ricorda-rosa-balistreri/ (Giuseppe Maurizio Piscopo: "Licata ricorda Rosa Balistreri", in: Sicilia on Press, 18.9.2020); 3) https://www.grandangoloagrigento.it/notizie-licata/licata-ricorda-rosa-balistreri-a-30-anni-dalla-morte-il-programma (N.N.: "Licata ricorda Rosa Balistreri a 30 anni dalla morte: il programma", in: Grandangolo, 18.9.2020); 4) https://archivioepensamenti.blogspot.com/2020/09/ (Piero Carbone: "Rosa Balisteri nella sua Licata per il trentennale della morte", in: Archivio e pensamenti: Blog su cultura, Racalmuto e Sicilia, 18.9.2020); 5) https://archivioepensamenti.blogspot.com/2020/09/nota-su-rosa-balistreri-di-dagmar.html?m=1 (Piero Carbone: "Nota su Rosa Balistreri di Dagmar Reichardt sul portale tedesco Kultur-Port.de in occasione della manifestazione di Licata Una Rosa per cantare", in: Archivio e pensamenti: Blog su cultura, Racalmuto e Sicilia, 19.9.2020); 6) http://www.comune.licata.ag.it/news/evento-rosa-balisteri/ (Piero Carbone presents the book Polifonia musicale, edited by Dagmar Reichardt et al., in Sicily dedicating it to the Office of Cultural Activities of Licata and donates a complimentary copy to the library of Licata - view Carbone's video appearance at min. 50:05'-1:00', Teatro Re Grillo, Licata/Italy, 20.9.2020, 20:30 h.).
A World Culture to Come?
Eine Weltkultur für die Zukunft? Elke Sturm-Trigonakis zu Besuch an der LKA, online publication in Mail aus Riga, n. 134 (2020), pp. 20-25.
Musical Polyphony - Polifonia musicale
Italiano / In Italian: Polifonia musicale – Le tante vie delle melodie italiane in un mondo transculturale Musical Polyphony – The Many Ways Of Italian Melodies In A Transcultural World, Panel #2 of the XXIII. International Congress A.I.P.I. at the Università per Stranieri di Siena (Italy), uploaded by Piero Carbone, 3.3.2021 (first upload: 4.1.2020).
Le risate postcoloniali su invettive storiche: il fumetto italiano
"Le risate postcoloniali su invettive storiche: I racconti di lotta nel fumetto italiano", international conference about "Racconti di lotta / Relatos de lucha y de violencia", directed by Professor Loreta de Stasio (University of the Basque Country/Universidad del Pais Vasco), organized by Loreta de Stasio and Paola Populin (University of the Basque Country/Universidad del Pais Vasco), University of the Basque Country, Faculty of Humanities / Facoltà di Lettere EHU-UPV, Aula Magna, Vitoria-Gasteiz/Bilbao, Spain, 9.-10.5.2019.
No Nobel, Just for One Vote
"Giuseppe Bonaviri a dieci anni dalla morte. Quel Nobel mancato per un solo voto", article written by Luigi Saitta mentioning the work of Dagmar Reichardt and Swiss foundation Fondation Erica Sauter, in: Succede oggi. Cultura nell'informazione quotidiana, 21.3.2019.
Read this article in German:
"Knapp am Literaturnobelpreis vorbei: Giuseppe Bonaviri", article written by Luigi Saitta mentioning the work of Dagmar Reichardt and Swiss foundation Fondation Erica Sauter, in: KulturPort.De, 22.3.2019.
Riga & Sicily in "Mail aus Riga"
"A Sicilian in Riga" and "Riga in Sicily": PA.RI.VI.
"Natale Tedesco, ein 'Sizilianer in Riga' und 'Riga auf Sizilien': Das Kulturprojekt PA.RI.VI., Palermo - Riga - Wien 2018", in: Mail aus Riga. Internationales Kultur- und Medienmanagement,Nr. 131, 01/2019, p. 10-13.
Natale Tedesco: "The Tree of Riga"
"Natale Tedesco: Der Baum von Riga", in: Mail aus Riga. Internationales Kultur- und Medienmanagement, Nr. 131, 01/2019, p. 8-9.
The Opera Duo "Cavalleria rusticana" and "Pagliacci"
"Contingenza polifonica e Transcultural Switching. Il 'duo' lirico Cavalleria rusticana (1890) di Pietro Mascagni e Pagliacci (1892) di Ruggero Leoncavallo nella ricezione musicale globale dall’Ottocento al Terzo Millennio", Panel 2: Polifonia musicale – Le vie delle melodie italiane in un mondo transculturale, organized by Dagmar Reichardt (Latvian Academy of Culture LAC, Riga/Latvia), Donatella Brioschi (Italian Institute of Culture Hamburg/Germany), Domenica Elisa Cicala (Catholic University of Eichstätt – Ingolstadt/Germany), Mariella Martini-Merschmann (Hochschule für Musik und Theater Hamburg/Germany), tutor: Valentina Carbonara, XXIII Convegno della Associazione Internazionale Professori di Italiano AIPI, Le vie dell'italiano: mercanti, viaggiatori, migranti, cibernauti (e altro). Percorsi e incroci possibili tra letteratura, lingua, cultura e civiltà, Università per Stranieri di Siena, Siena, Italy, Auditorium 8 (1st floor), 5.9.2018.
Click here to listen to the conference (part 1 + 2)
The Many Translations of the Work of Dacia Maraini
International conference Le tante traduzioni dell’opera di Dacia Maraini. Simposio in occasione del suo 80esimo anniversario di vita e lavoro nei campi della letteratura, del teatro e della cultura e politica italiana - The Many Translations of the Work of Dacia Maraini. Symposium on the Occasion of the Writer’s 80th Birthday and Many Years of Work in the Fields of Italian Literature, Theatre, Culture and Politics, initiated and organized by Dagmar Reichardt and Maria Belén Hernández Gonzalez, Forum Austriaco di Cultura, Viale Bruno Buozzi, 113, Rome/Italy, 14.-15.10.2017.
Das neue "Europa der Werte"
"Das neue 'Europa der Werte'", in: Mail aus Riga. Kultur - Medien - Riga, [E-paper], March 2016, n. 125, pp. 26-31 [interview with D.R. on the occasion of her new appointment as Chair of Media Industry at the Latvian Academy of Culture LAC in Riga, Latvia].
Mail aus Riga n. 125, p. 26-31
"Johann Friedrich Reichardt’s Mignon: from an educational Kunstlied to a transcultural vision", First International Conference of the Oregon University School of Music and Dance Musicking: Performance, Politics & Personalities, Opening Panel "Romanticism and Historical Performance Practice", 12.-16.4.2016, Eugene/Oregon, Collier House – University of Oregon, 13.4.2016.
Read the review by Akiko Hitomi
New PhD-course at Riga
"Neuer Promotionsstudiengang auf Deutsch an der Lettischen Kulturakademie Riga", online-news on www.Kultur-Port.de, 27.4.2015 [announcing the newly founded PhD-course at the Latvian Academy of Culture LAC in Riga/Latvia, co-directed by Dagmar Reichardt since 2016].
Read the news:
Lunaria: Etta Scollo & Vincenzo Consolo
„Lunaria. In der leuchtenden Freude der Täuschung”, in: Etta Scollo, Lunaria. Dalla favola teatrale di Vincenzo Consolo, CD-booklet, Jazzhaus Records (in-akustik), 28.2.2014 [academic advise by Dagmar Reichardt].
Meisterkurs Kulturmanagement
"Meisterkurs Kulturmanagement: Verständigung durch Musik in Riga", written by Anke Borscheid and Aija Kaukule, in: Mail aus Riga. Kultur - Medien - Riga, [E-paper], 3.12.2014, n. 123, pp. 4-5 [students' report about a masterclass directed by D.R. at the Latvian Academy of Culture LAC in Riga, Latvia].
Mail aus Riga n. 123, p. 4-5
Interview on Hermann Hesse
Interview with Dagmar Reichardt, conducted by Tiziana Di Simone on the contemporary relevance of the German author Hermann Hesse (1877-1962) in Italian. Subject: "Le storie dei grandi d'Europa: Hermann Hesse" broadcasted in the cultural section of the program "In Europa: alla scoperta del 'nuovo' nel vecchio continente" by RAI Radio Uno, on air 15.6.2010 at 9.35-10 a.m. (please find interview on track 7:05-12:55).
Flaiano Prize
Ceremony presenting Professor Dr. Dagmar Reichardt with the XXXIV Flaiano International Award for Italian Studies on August 7th, 2007 in Pescara, Italy.