"Vita e spettacolarizzazione della vita. Verso il centenario dei Quaderni di Serafino Gubbio di Luigi Pirandello", with special guest Prof. Pietro Frassica (University of Princeton), symposium organized by Lia Fava Guzzetta, Giorgio Forni, Francesco Galatà and Maria Melania Vitale, Università di Messina, Accademia dei Pericolanti, Messina / Italy, 29.4.2024, 9:00 -18:00 h.
All listed events include an active participation in the conferences and congresses, some of them with specific reference to having directed and/or chaired a panel (to view exclusively the latter, please click the separate button "Conferences organized by Dagmar Reichardt").
Life and the Spectacle of Life: Toward the Centenary of Luigi Pirandello's "Notebooks of Serafino Gubbio"
Reborn in Languages: Autobiographies and Transcultural Encounters
Quo vadis, italiano 2024? In Sprachen wiedergeboren. Autobiographien und transkulturelle Begegnungen | Linguaggi per rinascere: autobiografie e incontri transculturali, directed by Simona Bartoli-Kucher and Tommaso Meozzi (Universität Graz), organized in cooperation with Nicola Locatelli (Istituto Italiano di Cultura di Vienna), Universität Graz, Mehrzwecksaal 0.008, Merangasse 70, Graz / Austria, 25.-27.4.2024.
Food is/and Women in the Literary Revival: Myths and Archetypes of Nourishment
International congress Cibo è/e donna nel Risorgimento letterario: miti e archetipi del nutrimento, directed by Rossella Palmieri, University of Foggia, Università di Foggia, Aula Magna del Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici, Via Arpi 176, Foggia (3.4.2024) e Sala Congressi, Residence Il Porto, Mattinata nel Gargano (4.4.2024), 3.-4.4.2024.
XIIIth Congress of the German Association of Italian Studies
XIII. Deutscher Italianistiktag 2024 Categorie: formazione, trasformazione, (inter-) azione | Kategorien: Bidung, Wandel, (Wechsel-) Wirkung, organized by Deutscher Italianistikverband DIV, Fachverband Italienisch in Wissenschaft und Unterricht e.V., hosted by Albert-Ludwig-Universität Freiburg, Albert-Ludwig-Universität Freiburg, Freiburg im Breisgau, Platz der Universität, Faculty of Romance Studies (Fakultät Romanistik), KG I, HS 1221, 7.-9.3.2024.
Posttraumatic and Postcolonial Aspects in the Arts
Posttraumatic and Postcolonial Aspects in the Arts and Their Multifaceted Connections to Therapeutic Parameters, in the frame of the 2nd European Art Therapy congress Growing Together, organized by the European Federation of Art Therapy (EFAT) together with the Art Academy of Latvia and Rīga Stradiņš University (Medical School), panel and all day seminar directed by Dagmar Reichardt, Katharina Fürholzer (Universität Rostock, Germany) and Julia Pröll (Universität Innsbruck, Austria), Art Academy of Lativa, O. Kalpaka bulvāris 13, Centra rajons, LV-1050 Rīga, Latvia, Room 10, 16.6.2023, 9:30-17:30 h.
Verga in "Miniature": Short Narrative and Scenes of the World
"L'occhio 'nuovo' del Verga", panel directed by Dagmar Reichardt in the frame of the international conference Le "miniature" di Verga: Narrativa breve e scena del mondo, organized on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the death of Giovanni Verga (1840-1922), Università degli Studi di Messina by Antonino Antonazzo, Giorgio Forni, Francesco Galatà, Mauro Geraci, Fabio Ruggiano, Melania Vitale, Accademia Peloritana dei Pericolanti, Palazzo Università, Piazza Salvatore Pugliatti 1, Messina, Italy, 3.-4.11.2022, 9:00-14:00 h.
Read more (reviews, notices)
Sergio Di Giacomo: "Messina, ecco Verga innovatore", in: Avvenire, section "Agorà", 3.11.2022, p. 19.
N.N.: "Si apre oggi: convegno internazionale su Giovanni Verga", in: Gazzetta del Sud, section "Messina", 3.11.2022, p. 20.
Serdig: "Il convegno per il Centenario di Giovanni Verga: 'Le miniature di Verga: narrativa breve e scena del mondo'", in: Moleskine. Notes mensile di informazione, attualità, cultura, arte e spettacolo, monthly magazine directed by Geri Villaroel, edited by Moleskine Associazione Culturale, Messina, October 2022, p. 50.
Anna M. Crisafulli Sartori: "Verga come anticipatore di tecniche della scrittura: Il convegno internazionale organizzato dalla nostra Università sul grande scrittore siciliano", in: Gazzetta del Sud, 10.11.2022.
Welcome to the "New South"!
Benvenuti al Nuovo Sud. Costellazioni, collaborazioni e trasformazioni transculturali, panel co-directed by Dagmar Reichardt together with Colbert Akieudji, Domenica Elisa Cicala, Laura Fournier, Michelangelo La Luna, and Carmen Van den Bergh, in the frame of the international congress XXV Congresso AIPI: Raccontare la realtà - Italia ieri e oggi, Università degli Studi di Palermo, Polo didattico, edificio 19, aula 11, Viale delle Scienze, Palermo, Italy, 27.-29.10.2022.
Read more (reviews, notices)
Nicola Scardina: "XXV Congresso dell’Associazione Internazionale dei Professori di Italiano. A Palermo l’evento: Raccontare la realtà – Italia ieri e oggi”, in: NewSicily, (section: Arte, Cultura e Società, Musica), 27.10.2022.
A New Approach to Italian Cultural History
A New Approach to Italian Cultural History / Studi bilaterali sulla letteratura italiana e francese / Bilateral Studies on Italian and French Literature, organized by Grazia Dolores Folliero-Metz (Universität Siegen, Germany), Maria Teresa Girardi (Università Cattolica di Milano, Italy), and Christoph Oliver Mayer (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Germany), Villa Vigoni, Centro italo-tedesco per il dialogo europeo / Villa Vigoni, Deutsch-Italienisches Zentrum für den Europäischen Dialog, Loveno di Menaggio, Italy, 1.-5.8.2022.
Transculturality: an Operational Concept in Europe?
Workshop Transculturalità: un concetto operativo in Europa? - Transculturality: an Operational Concept in Europe? - Transculturalité: un concept opérationnel en Europe?, organized by La Sapienza Università di Roma and Université Paris Nanterre, in the frame of the Jean Monnet Project Transcultural Europe in the Global World (TransEU), moderated and presented by Prof. Silvia Contarini and Prof. Franca Sinopoli, with the support of the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union, Aula Organi Collegiali (Aula del Rettorato), Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma, Italy, 27.5.2022, 9:30-18:30 h.
50 Years of the German Centre of Venetian Studies
50 anni Centro Tedesco di Studi Veneziani | 50 Jahre Deutsches Studnienzentrum Venedig, bilingual ceremonial act with a commemorative speech by Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Welsch ("Transdisziplinarität - über den Tellerrand hinaus!"), in cooperation with Università Ca' Foscari, Scuola Grande di San Rocco, Venice, Italy, 6.5.2022, 4 p.m.
International Women's Day 2022
International Women's Day 2022: Featuring Author and Scholar Dacia Maraini, [Symposium in honor of Dacia Maraini's lifework and celebration of the International Women's Day on March 8, 2022], public online round table with 14 guest speakers, moderated and organized by Michelangelo La Luna, University of Rhode Island, Rhode Island, USA, in collaboration with Dagmar Reichardt, Latvian Academy of Culture, Riga, Latvia, 9.3.2022, 12:00-2:00pm EST (18:00-20:00pm Italy time).
The Hamburg-Vigoni-Forum (kick-off): Europe 2022: Space - Sovereignty - Identity
Europe 2022: Space - Sovereignty - iIentity | Europa-Konferenz Hamburg 2022: Souveränität und Identität, The Hamburg-Vigoni-Forum [kick-off event], planned in cooperation with the State President of the Republic of Latvia and Alumnus of the University of Hamburg Egils Levits to hold the first "Hamburg Speech about Europe | Hamburger Rede zu Europa" about the future of Europe as a community of rights and values [due to the outbreak of the war in the Ukraine unfortunately the President had to leave Hamburg again in the morning of Thursday, 24.2.2022 and could not deliver the speech], 24.-25.2.2022, University of Hamburg (Audimax), Hamburg, Germany, 17-19 h.
Paradigm Shift in Cultural Policies
Statt "Development" nun "Transformation"? Paradigmenwechsel in der Kulturpolitik [Inauguration Lecture by Prof. Dr. Julius Heinicke followed by a round table discussion] and the one day symposium Cultural Policy Inside-Out: Competition of Narratives, Post-Colonial Debates and Questions of Transformation | Kulturpolitik "Inside-Out": Wettstreit der Narrative, postkoloniale Debatten und Fragen der Transformation, organized by the Institute for Cultural Policy [with a parallel livestream connection], Universität Hildesheim, Universitätsplatz 1, Hildesheim, Germany, 27.10.2021 (Audimax), 11:30-13:30 (CET + 1/German time) and 28.1.2021 (Domäne Marienburg), 9:30-17:00.
XXIV AIPI International Conference: Science, Arts and Literature
Panel 5: Alfieri illustri della transculturalità – Per una didattica della cultura italiana nel terzo millennio, organized by Dagmar Reichardt (Latvian Academy of Culture LAC, Riga/Latvia), Domenica Elisa Cicala (Catholic University of Eichstätt – Ingolstadt/Germany), Maurizio Rebaudengo (Convitto Nazionale Umberto I, Torino), XXIV Convegno della Associazione Internazionale Professori di Italiano AIPI, Scienza, arte e letteratura - Lingue, culture, narrazioni che si incrociano, Université de Genève, Geneva, Switzerland, online webinar (on zoom through the platform of Université de Genève), Geneva, Switzerland, 28.-30.6.2021.
International Women's Day 2021
International Women's Day. Featuring Nobel Prize in Literature Nominee Dacia Maraini, moderated and organized by Prof. Michelangelo La Luna, University of Rhode Island (URI), welcoming remarks: URI President David M. Dooley and URI Associated Dean (College of Arts and Sciences) Nedra Reynolds, the meeting included Short presentations, Questions and Answers, Breakout Rooms on some of the major themes covered in Dacia Maraini's writings as diversity and inclusion, feminism, gender, LGBTQIA+, prostitution, violence against women, women's rights, etc., Rhode Island, USA, Zoom-meeting, 5.3.2021, 12:15-2:15 pm ET (18:15-20:15 Italy time).
Shifting Perspectives: Streaming Festival on the Work of Franz Erhard Walther
Shifting Perspectives. Streaming Festival zum Werk von Franz Erhard Walther / Streaming Festival on the Work of Franz Erhard Walther organized by Haus der Kunst (Museum HDK, Munich, Germany) and Franz Erhard Walther Foundation, on the occasion of the homonymus exhibition of Franz Erhard Walther (5.3.-29.11.2020), video conference with the partecipation of the artist, [Panel Discussion 1: "Image as Action: Transforming Life Processes into the Visual"; Panel Discussion 2: "Generative Praxis: Medial Entanglements as Artistic Expansion"; with an introductive interview and a concluding Q&A-block with Franz Erhard Walther], directed by the curator of the exhibition Dr. Jana Baumann, public streaming offered by Haus der Kunst, Prinzregentenstraße 1, 80538 München, Germany, 28.11.2020, 10:00-17:00 h, [online conference via the institutional channel of the Museum: HDK live].
Literary Glocalization - 2020 Annual Meeting of the Swiss Association of Comparative Literature
2020 Annual Meeting of the Swiss Association of Comparative Literature Literarische Glokalisierung. Glocalisation littéraire. Literary Glocalization organized by DGAVL/ASLGC, directed by Phlippe P. Haensler, Stephanie Heine, and Sandro Zanetti, Universität Zürich, Zurich, Switzerland, 19.-20.11.2020, 23.4.2021 [via Zoom].
Dacia Maraini and her Literary Journey
Dacia Maraini and her Literary Journey, a book presentation [book edited by Michelangelo La Luna (University of Rhode Island) and Angela Pitassi (University of Connecticut)] and Q&A with Dacia Maraini, special guest: Dacia Maraini, moderated by the Graduate Students from the University of Connecticut (Italian Section: Italian Literary and Cultural Studies), Rhode Island, USA, 19.11.2020, via Cisco Webex, 13:00 h (North American East Coast Time - ET)/19:00 h (Central European Standard Time).
Von der Neuen Weltliteratur zu einer Weltliteratur des (Post-) Kolonialen
Guestlecture by Prof. Dr. Elke Sturm-Trigonakis (University of Thessaloniki, Greece): Von der Neuen Weltliteratur zu einer Weltliteratur des (Post-) Kolonialen – Etappen eines Forschungswegs, in the frame of the International Culture and Media Management Program, coordinated by Dagmar Reichardt, Latvian Academy of Culture, Ludzas iela 24, Riga, Latvia, Room 25, main building, 2nd floor, 25.09.2020, 16:30-21:30 h.
The Troublesome History of Europe: "Black Lives Matter", Colonial Traces, and Processes of Recoding
Europa, quando la storia è scomoda - "Black lives matter", tracce coloniali e processi di risignificazione, online conference, special guests: Ruth Ben-Ghiat (New York University, USA), Mia Fuller (University of Berkeley, USA), Leila El Houssi (University of Florence, Italy), Igiaba Scego (Writer and indipendent University Scholar, Rome, Italy), Massimiliano Smeriglio (Deputee of the European Parliament, S&D), organized and presented by Isciaba Scego and Massimiliano Smeriglio, [realized in a full online webinar format due to the COVID-19 pandemic], Forma Spazi, Via Cavour 181, Rome, Italy, 20.07.2020, 18:30-20:00 h (Central European Time - CET: Amsterdam, Berlin, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna).
Structural Racism: An Exchange of Italo-German Perspectives
Struktureller Rassismus: Italienische und Deutsche Perspektiven im Austausch | Razzismo strutturale: Scambi di prospettive tra Italia e Germania, online conference, special guests: Antonella Bundu (Deputee of the City Council of Firenze, Italy), Sarah-Lee Heinrich (Member of the National Board of the party "Grüne Jugend", Germany), Igiaba Scego (Writer and indipendent University Scholar, Rome, Italy), Alexandra Geese (Deputee of the European Parliament), Leila El Houssi (Professor for the History of the Near East, University of Padua, Italy), Franziska Brantner (Deputee of the German Bundestag/German Lower House of Parliament and spokesperson for European politics), organized by Franziska Brantner, Alexandra Geese and Sven Giegold (Deputee of the European Parliament), [realized in a full online webinar format due to the COVID-19 pandemic], Berlin, Germany, 14.07.2020, 20:00-22:00 h (Central European Time - CET: Amsterdam, Berlin, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna).
Beloved Writing: A Conversation with Dacia Maraini
Beloved Writing: A Conversation with Dacia Maraini, international conference organized by the Istituto Italiano di Cultura in Washington DC, special guest: Dacia Maraini in a conversation with Michelangelo La Luna (University of Rhode Island), [about women's rights regarding love, freedom and solidarity, as well as about Maraini's new release of her novel Trio], University of Rhode Island, Rhode Island, USA, [realized in a full online webinar format due to the COVID-19 pandemic], 9.7.2020, 16:00 (North American East Coast Time - ET).
Art Therapy in Times of Community Crises
International Conference Places, Spaces and Time - Shaping the European Art Therapy Landscape, originally scheduled to take place in Riga/Latvia, 30.4.-2.5.2020, temporarily replaced by a webinar series starting with EFAT Professor Ephrat Huss: “Art therapy in times of community crises: Theories and methods for contributing to our communities in times of crises”, organized by the European Federation of Art Therapy EFAT, Luxembourg, [realized in a full online webinar format due to the COVID 19 pandemia], 3.5.2020, 13:00-14:15 h (London summer time - UTC).
Italian Studies in the Third Millennium: Literature
Panel Letteratura, Convegno internazionale L'italianistica nel terzo millennio: Le nuove sfide nelle ricerche linguistiche, letterarie e culturali. 60 anni di Studi Italiani all'Università "SS. Cirillo e Metodio" di Skopje, organized by the Università "SS. Cirillo e Metodio" in Skopje, Faculty of Philology "Blaze Koneski", 27.-28.9.2019, Room "Sala 2", Skopje, Macedonia, 27.9.2019, 14:30-16:00 h.
"Grand Tour": Die Reisen der Familie Goethe nach Italien
Guestlecture by Prof. Dr. Maria-Paola Scialdone (Università di Macerata, Italy): "Grand Tour": Die Reisen der Familie Goethe nach Italien - Johann Caspar Goethe (Vater), Johann Wolfgang von Goethe und August Goethe (Sohn), in the frame of the International Culture and Media Management Program, coordinated by Dagmar Reichardt, Latvian Academy of Culture, Ludzas iela 24, Riga, Latvia, Room 25, main building, 2nd floor, 23.09.2019, 16:30-21:30 h.
XXIII Congress ADI: Literature and Sciences
XXIII Congresso ADI - Associazione degli Italianisti, Università di Pisa (Letteratura e scienze), in cooperation with SNS, under the patronage of Comune di Pisa, 12.-14.9.2019, Panel 11 La capacità euristica della letteratura italiana nei confronti della "violenza", directed by Costantino Maeder (Université Catholique de Louvain, Louvain-La-Neuve, Belgium) and Loreta De Stasio (Universidad del Pais Vasco, Vitoria, Spain), Università̀ di Pisa, in collaboration with SNS, under the auspices of the Comune di Pisa, Pisa, Italy, 12.-14.9.2019.
Linguistics and Culture
Section 4 Linguistics and Culture, 5th International Conference on Culture, Languages and Literature 2019 (ICCLL 2019) / 3rd International Conference on E-Society, E-Education and E-Technology 2019 (ICSET 2019), directed by Dagmar Reichardt, Ming Chuan University, No. 1, Zhongshan North Road, Zhongshan District, Taipeh, 10461, Taiwan / 中山北路四段1號, 中山區, (台北市, 10461), Taipei, Taiwan, 15.-17.8.2019, Section 4, 16.8.2019, room J317, 15:30-18:30.
Vigoni Forum 2019: Creativity, Sustainability, Development
Creativity, Sustainability, Development, Vigoni Forum 2019, coordinated by Prof. Dr. Fulvio Longato (Università degli Studi di Trieste), Prof. Dr. Hans Vorländer (Technische Universität Dresden, Director of the Mercator Forum Migration and Democracy), and Villa Vigoni (Dr. Christiane Liermann Traniello), Villa Vigoni - German-Italian Center for European Excellence - Centro italo-tedesco per l'eccellenza europea - Deutsch-italienisches Zentrum für europäische Exzellenz, Loveno di Menaggio, Italy, 4.-6.7.2019.
Society for Italian Studies: Biennial Conference 2019
Biennial Conference 2019 of the Society for Italian Studies (SIS), lead organisers: Davide Messina and Federica G. Pedriali, University of Edinburgh, School of Literatures, Languages and Cultures, Department of European Languages & Cultures, 50 George Square, Edinburgh EH8 9LH, United Kingdom, 26.-28.6.2019.
The Winter of Italy's Discontent
The Winter of Italy’s Discontent: L’identità italiana utopica e distopica negli anni ’70, part I. Tra politica e cultura (Room G.02, 11:30-13:00 h), part II. Letterature (Room G.04, 15:30-17:00 h), Panel 61 and Panel 71 directed by Maurizio Rebaudengo and Dagmar Reichardt within the frame of the Biennial Conference 2019 of the Society for Italian Studies (SIS), lead organisers: Davide Messina and Federica G. Pedriali, University of Edinburgh, School of Literatures, Languages and Cultures, Department of European Languages & Cultures, 50 George Square, Edinburgh EH8 9LH, United Kingdom, 26.-28.6.2019.
Interkulturelles Lernen auf der Basis der Anthropozentrischen Linguistik
Guestlecture by Prof. Dr. Reinhold Utri (University of Warsaw, Poland): Interkulturelles Lernen auf der Basis der Anthropozentrischen Linguistik: Beispiele aus dem Filmbereich und der Migrantenliteratur, in the frame of the International Culture and Media Management Program, coordinated by Dagmar Reichardt, Latvian Academy of Culture, Room 25, main building, 2nd floor, Ludzas iela 24, Riga, Latvia, 25.05.2019, 10:00-11:00 h.
Interkulturelle Kompetenz - Interkulturelles Training
Guestlecture by Prof. Dr. Agneszka Dickel (University of Warsaw, Poland): Interkulturelle Kompetenz - Interkulturelles Training, in the frame of the International Culture and Media Management Program, coordinated by Dagmar Reichardt, Latvian Academy of Culture, Room 25, main building, 2nd floor, Ludzas iela 24, Riga, Latvia, 24.05.2019, 16:30-21:30 h.
Racconti di lotta - Relatos de lucha y de violencia
Racconti di lotta / Relatos de lucha y de violencia, international conference directed by Professor Loreta de Stasio (University of the Basque Country/Universidad del Pais Vasco), organized by Loreta de Stasio and Paola Populin (University of the Basque Country/Universidad del Pais Vasco), University of the Basque Country, Faculty of Humanities / Facoltà di Lettere EHU-UPV, Aula Magna, Vitoria-Gasteiz/Bilbao, Spain, 9.-10.5.2019.
Communicative Development of European Cooperatives in Germany, Switzerland, and Austria
Open guestlecture by Jan-Erik Burkard M.A. (Latvian Academy of Culture, Riga and Bonn/Germany): Nachweis eines internationalen „Genossenschaftscodes“: Analyse der kommunikativen Entwicklung europäischer Genossenschaften in Deutschland, der Schweiz, Österreich sowie der (postsowjetischen Entwicklung) in Lettland im Zeitraum von 1995 bis 2017, [Engl.: Proof of an International "Cooperative Code": Analysis of the Communicative Development of European Cooperatives in Germany, Switzerland, and Austria, as well as in Latvia (during the Post-Soviet Development) in the Period 1995-2017], organized by the Latvian Academy of Culture, coordinated by Dagmar Reichardt, Latvian Academy of Culture, Room 25, main building, 2nd floor, Ludzas iela 24, Riga, Latvia, 8.10.2018, 10:00-16:00 h.
Medical Humanities als Mittel der Ethikaufklärung
Guestlecture by Dr. Katharina Fürholzer (Universität Ulm, Germany): Medical Humanities als Mittel der Ethikaufklärung, in the frame of the International Culture and Media Management Program, coordinated by Dagmar Reichardt, Latvian Academy of Culture, main building, Room 25, 2nd floor, Ludzas iela 24, Riga, Latvia, 04.10.2018, 16:30-21:30 h.
Le vie dell'italiano: mercanti, viaggiatori, migranti, cibernauti (e altro)
XXIII Convegno della Associazione Internazionale Professori di Italiano AIPI, Le vie dell'italiano: mercanti, viaggiatori, migranti, cibernauti (e altro). Percorsi e incroci possibili tra letteratura, lingua, cultura e civiltà, Università per Stranieri di Siena, Siena, Italy, 5.-9.9.2018.
Read more (reviews, notices)
Valeria Strambi: "Musica, arte, scienza e cucina - ma quanto italiano c'è nel sapere. In settembre a Siena 350 studiosi della nostra lingua si riuniranno per fare il punto sui tanti modi per insegnarla", in: La Repubblica (Firenze), 10.7.2018, p. VII. Online: http://unistrasi.waypress.eu/RassegnaStampa/LeggiArticolo.aspx?codice=OPF2114.TIF&subcod=20180710&numPag=2&tipo=GIF
N.N.: "Anche Benigni a Siena con i prof di italiano. Dal 5 all'8 settembre in programma un convegno dedicato alla nostra lingua con 350 studiosi", in: Trova Firenze, 26.7.2018, p. 45. Online: http://unistrasi.waypress.eu/RassegnaStampa/LeggiArticolo.aspx?codice=LL35032.TIF&subcod=20180727&numPag=1&tipo=GIF.
Paola Tomassoni: "A tutto Benigni. Unistra: l'Oscar con 500 docenti di italiano", in: La Stampa (Siena), 2.8.2018, p. 3.
Polifonia musicale: Le vie delle melodie italiane in un mondo transculturale
Polifonia musicale – Le vie delle melodie italiane in un mondo transculturale, Panel 2 organized by Dagmar Reichardt (Latvian Academy of Culture LAC, Riga/Latvia), Donatella Brioschi (Italian Institute of Culture Hamburg/Germany), Domenica Elisa Cicala (Catholic University of Eichstätt – Ingolstadt/Germany), Mariella Martini-Merschmann (Hochschule für Musik und Theater Hamburg/Germany), tutor: Valentina Carbonara, XXIII Convegno della Associazione Internazionale Professori di Italiano AIPI, Le vie dell'italiano: mercanti, viaggiatori, migranti, cibernauti (e altro). Percorsi e incroci possibili tra letteratura, lingua, cultura e civiltà, Università per Stranieri di Siena, Auditorium 8, (1st floor), Siena, Italy, 5.-7.9.2018.
Read more (reviews, notices)
Valeria Strambi: "Musica, arte, scienza e cucina - ma quanto italiano c'è nel sapere. In settembre a Siena 350 studiosi della nostra lingua si riuniranno per fare il punto sui tanti modi per insegnarla", in: La Repubblica (Firenze), 10.7.2018, p. VII. Online: http://unistrasi.waypress.eu/RassegnaStampa/LeggiArticolo.aspx?codice=OPF2114.TIF&subcod=20180710&numPag=2&tipo=GIF
N.N.: "Anche Benigni a Siena con i prof di italiano. Dal 5 all'8 settembre in programma un convegno dedicato alla nostra lingua con 350 studiosi", in: Trova Firenze, 26.7.2018, p. 45. Online: http://unistrasi.waypress.eu/RassegnaStampa/LeggiArticolo.aspx?codice=LL35032.TIF&subcod=20180727&numPag=1&tipo=GIF.
Paola Tomassoni: "A tutto Benigni. Unistra: l'Oscar con 500 docenti di italiano", in: La Stampa (Siena), 2.8.2018, p. 3.
Villa Vigoni Forum 2018: Cultural Policies During the Age of Migration and Globalisation
Villa Vigoni Forum 2018, "Cultural policies during the age of migration and globalisation / Kulturpolitik im Zeitalter der Migrationen und der Globalisierung / Politiche culturali nell'epoca delle migrazioni e della globalizzazione", with a final concert "Concerto Vigoni" by Domo Emigrantes, Villa Vigoni - Deutsch-Italienisches Zentrum für Europäische Exzellenz / Centro Italo-Tedesco per l'Ecellenza Europea, Loveno di Menaggio (Como), Italy, 6.-7.7.2018.
Everywhere in the World: Italy, the Italians, and Feeling Italian
"Ovunque nel mondo: l'Italia, l'italiano e il sentirsi italiani (part 1 + 2)", co-chaired Panel 41 and 42 (with Maurizio Rebaudengo, Convitto Nazionale "Umberto I", Torino/Italy), organized by Colleen Ryan and Cinzia Marongiu (Indiana University/USA), International Conference AATI (American Association of Teachers of Italian), Università degli Studi di Cagliari, 20.-25.6.2018, Facoltà di Studi Umanistici, Auditorium 9, Via San Giorgio 12, Campus Aresu, Cagliari, Italy, 22.6.2018, 12:00-13:15 h (Panel 41) and 15:00-16:40 h (Panel 42).
Italy in Post-1918 Europe: Shores - Borders - Dikes
Directed the historical-linguistic panel "Sezione storico-linguistica" of the International Conference "Sponde, confini, trincee: l’Italia nell’Europa post-1918", University of Iceland, 7.-8.6.2018, organized by Stefano Rosatti (University of Iceland), University of Iceland, Veröld, Vigdís’ House, Brynjólfsgata 1, 107 Reykjavík, Iceland, 7.6.2018, 11:45-12:25 h.
"L'italiano in aria": Musik und Italienisch als Universalsprache
Guestlecture by Donatella Brioschi (Istituto Italiano di Cultura in Hamburg, Germany) and Mariella Martini-Merschmeyer (University of Music and Theatre Hamburg): "L'italiano in aria": Musik and Italienisch als Universalsprache, in the frame of the International Culture and Media Management Program, coordinated by Dagmar Reichardt, Latvian Academy of Culture, Room 25, main building, 2nd floor, Ludzas iela 24, Riga, Latvia, 19.04.2018, 16:30-21:30 h.
Bodies in Motion - 200 Years Ghent University
International Conference Bewegende Körper / Bodies in Motion, Third Annual Conference of the German Society for Cultural Studies / 3. Jahrestagung der kulturwissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft (KGW), 200 Years Ghent University, Faculty of Arts and Philosophy, Ghent University, Blandijnberg 2, Ghent, Belgium, 16.-18.11.2017.
In limine - Frontiere e integrazioni
International congress In limine. Frontiere e integrazioni, organized by Diego Poli, Università di Macerata, Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici - lingue, mediazione, storia, lettere, filosofia, Auditorium UNIMC, Via Padre Matteo Ricci 2, Macerata, Italy, 9.-10.11.2017.
The Many Translations of the Work of Dacia Maraini
International conference Le tante traduzioni dell’opera di Dacia Maraini. Simposio in occasione del suo 80esimo anniversario di vita e lavoro nei campi della letteratura, del teatro e della cultura e politica italiana - The Many Translations of the Work of Dacia Maraini. Symposium on the Occasion of the Writer’s 80th Birthday and Many Years of Work in the Fields of Italian Literature, Theatre, Culture and Politics, initiated and organized by Dagmar Reichardt (Latvian Academy of Culture LAC, Riga/Latvia) and Maria Belén Hernández Gonzalez (Universidad de Murcia/Spain), in the presence of Dacia Maraini, Forum Austriaco di Cultura, Viale Bruno Buozzi, 113, Rome, Italy, 14.-15.10.2017.
Read more (reviews, notices)
"Cultura: simposio internazionale sulle traduzioni dell'opera di Dacia Maraini", in: Il confronto. Periodico di informazione, cultura, arte e politica, 6.10.2017, online: http://ilconfronto.wixsite.com/ilconfronto/single-post/2017/10/06/Cultura-simposio-internazionale-sulle-traduzioni-dell%E2%80%99opera-di-Dacia-Maraini.
Dynamics, Encounter, Migration
Personal Student's Experiences within the Erasmus Exchange Program
Guestlecture by Agnese Kumpina M.A. (Latvian Academy of Culture): Personal Student's Expriences within the Erasmus Exchange Program at the University of Music and Theatre Hamburg, in the frame of the International Culture and Media Management Program, coordinated by Dagmar Reichardt, Latvian Academy of Culture, Room 25, main building, 2nd floor, Ludzas iela 24, Riga, Latvia, 28.09.2017, 16:30-21:30 h.
ENCLS/REELC - 7th Biennial Congress
7th Biennial Congress Fear & Safety, ENCLS / REELC European Network for Comparative Literary Studies / Réseau Européen d'Études Littéraires Comparées, in partnership with the Kone Foundation, the Finnish Literary Association (KTS) and the Dystopian project Darkening visions: Dystopian fictions in contemporary Finnish litterature, University of Helsinki, Building Porthania, Helsinki, Finland, 23.-26.8.2017.
Professional Italianists in South Africa
XIV. A.P.I. International Conference Italian Postcolonialisms: Past and Present, A.P.I. Association of Professional Italianists in South Africa / Associazione Professori d'Italiano in Sudafrica 2017, University of the Witwatersrand, Wits Club Olives and Plates, Private Bag 3, Wits 2050, Johannesburg, South Africa, 10.-12.8.2017.
Italian Transcultural Exchanges
9th Biennial ACIS Conference "Scontri e incontri": The dynamics of Italian transcultural exchanges, Monash Prato Centre, sponsored and organized by the Australasian Centre for Italian Studies (ACIS), Monash University and La Trobe University, Prato, Italy, 4.-7.7.2017.
"TransCollaborate" - Collaborative Translation
TransCollaborate. A Symposium on Collaborative Translation, a research-project funded by the Monash-Warwick-Alliance, 3.-4.7.2017, Monash Prato Centre, Prato, Italy, 3.-4.7.2017.