Transcultural Parameters for Italian Language Teaching (LS/L2)
"Parametri transculturi per la didattica dell'italiano LS/L2", in: Aleksandra Saržoska (Ed.), Atti del Convegno Internazionale: L'italianistica nel terzo millennio. Le nuove sfide nelle ricerche linguistiche, letterarie e culturali. Sessant'anni di studi italiani all'Università SS. Cirillo e Metodio di Skopje, Skopje/North Macedonia, Edizioni dell'Università SS. Cirillo e Metodio di Skopje - Faculty of Philology Blaže Koneski, 2021, pp. 741-768.
Transkulturelle Literatur- und Filmdidaktik
Transkulturelle Literatur- und Filmdidaktik. Narrationen und Filme aus dem mediterranen Begegnungsraum, authored by Simona Bartoli-Kucher, vol. 7 of the book series Transcultural Studies – Interdisciplinary Literature and Humanities for Sustainable Societies (TSIL) edited by Dagmar Reichardt, Rotraud von Kulessa and Costantino Maeder, Berlin et al.: Peter Lang, 2021, 382 pp.
"Enlighten" by light-artist Katrin Bethge. Bright messages from Kühlungsborn
"Enlighten" von der Lichtkünstlerin Katrin Bethge. Eine helle Botschaft aus Kühlungsborn, [review of a contemporary art project], online publication on www.kultur-port.de, 6.11.2020.
"The Rustle of Touch" (2020) by Ellen Korth - The Crinkly Sensuousness of Underwear
"The Rustle of Touch" von Ellen Korth – oder: Die raschelnde Sinnlichkeit der Unterwäsche, [review of a newly released art book and long term exhibition project by artist Ellen Korth], online publication on www.kultur-port.de, 13.10.2020.
500 Years of Havana City 2019
500 Jahre Havanna 2019 - Kuba tanzt in die Zukunft, online publication on www.kultur-port.de, 2.1.2020.
A "Rose" for Rosa Balistreri - 30 Years After
Dreißigjähriges Jubiläum für Siziliens Singer-Songwriterin Rosa Balistreri, [news regarding a 30-years-jubilee-action in honour of the Sicilian singer-songwriter Rosa Balistreri], online publication on www.kultur-port.de, 19.9.2020.
Read more (reviews, notices)
1) Giuseppe Maurizio Piscopo: "Il ricordo di Rosa", [reporting a personal commentary and litaral quotation of Dagmar Reichardt], in: Sicilia 24h, 18.9.2020, online: https://www.sicilia24h.it/2020/09/18/il-ricordo-di-rosa/.
2) Giuseppe Maurizio Piscopo: "Licata ricorda Rosa Balistreri", [reporting a personal commentary and litaral quotation of Dagmar Reichardt], in: Sicilia on Press, 18.9.2020, online: https://www.siciliaonpress.com/2020/09/18/licata-ricorda-rosa-balistreri/.
3) N.N.: "Licata ricorda Rosa Balistreri a 30 anni dalla morte: il programma", reporting a personal commentary and litaral quotation of Dagmar Reichardt], in: Grandangolo, 18.9.2020, online: https://www.grandangoloagrigento.it/notizie-licata/licata-ricorda-rosa-balistreri-a-30-anni-dalla-morte-il-programma.
4) Piero Carbone: "Rosa Balisteri nella sua Licata per il trentennale della morte", [reporting a personal commentary and litaral quotation of Dagmar Reichardt], in: Archivio e pensamenti: Blog su cultura, Racalmuto e Sicilia, 18.9.2020, online: https://archivioepensamenti.blogspot.com/2020/09/.
5) Piero Carbone: "Nota su Rosa Balistreri di Dagmar Reichardt sul portale tedesco Kultur-Port.de in occasione della manifestazione di Licata Una Rosa per cantare", in: Archivio e pensamenti: Blog su cultura, Racalmuto e Sicilia, 19.9.2020, online: https://archivioepensamenti.blogspot.com/2020/09/nota-su-rosa-balistreri-di-dagmar.html?m=1.
A Feast for the Festschrift or: "This is not a Festschrift"
"Ein Fest für die Festschrift oder This is Not a 'Festschrift' - Claus Friede zum 60. Geburtstag", in: Follow Arts. Texte zu digitalen Welten und analogen Formaten von Claus Friede, [introduction to the book], edited by Dagmar Reichardt and Gudrun Thiessen-Schneider (Ed.), vol. 5 of the book series Transcultural Studies – Interdisciplinary Literature and Humanities for Sustainable Societies (TSIL) edited by Dagmar Reichardt, Rotraud von Kulessa and Costantino Maeder, Berlin et al.: Peter Lang, 2020, pp. 15-31.
A World Culture to Come?
Eine Weltkultur für die Zukunft? Elke Sturm-Trigonakis zu Besuch an der LKA, online publication in Mail aus Riga, n. 134 (2020), pp. 20-25.
Addio, Ennio Morricone! The Life-Work of a Great Film-Musician is Completed
Addio, Ennio Morricone! – Das Lebenswerk eines großartigen Filmmusikers ist vollendet, obituary for Ennio Morricone by Dagmar Reichardt, online publication in KulturPort.De, 7.7.2020.
Art Dealer Folker Skulima - A Transcultural Home for Art
Galerist Folker Skulima - Ein transkulturelles Haus für die Kunst, article about the German gallery owner and art agent Folker Skulima and his biography by Franz Maciejewski, online publication on KulturPort.De, 3.6.2020.
Berlin presents the documentary film "Coronation" (2020) by Ai Weiwei
Berlin zeigt die Corona-Filmdokumentation „Coronation“ (2020) von Ai Weiwei, [news about the first showing in Berlin of the documentary film "Coronation" by the conceptual artist Ai Weiwei], online publication on www.kultur-port.de, 9.10.2020.
Contingenza polifonica e Transcultural Switching: "Cavalleria rusticana" & "Pagliacci"
"Contingenza polifonica e Transcultural Switching. Il 'duo' lirico Cavalleria rusticana (1890) di Pietro Mascagni e Pagliacci (1892) di Ruggero Leoncavallo nella sua ricezione musicale globale dall'Ottocento al Terzo Millennio", [critical essay by Dagmar Reichardt], in: Polifonia musicale. Le tante vie delle melodie italiane in un mondo transculturale, edited by Dagmar Reichardt, Domenica Elisa Cicala, Donatella Brioschi and Mariella Martini-Merschmann (Ed.), with a preface by Dagmar Reichardt and Domenica Elisa Cicala, with an interview with the Sicilian-German singer-songwriter Etta Scollo, Firenze: Franco Cesati Editore, (Civiltà italiana. Terza serie, no. 32), 2020, pp. 65-84.
Dante Marianacci - A Lifetime for Culture
"Dante Marianacci, intellettuale, poeta e mediatore culturale nomade", in: Dante Marianacci - Una vita per la cultura tra creatività e impegno professionale, edited by Angelo Piero Cappello, Simone Gambacorta and Franco Di Tizio (Ed.), vol. 5 of the book series Monografie e Saggi edited by Federica Di Pasquale, Silvi Marina (TE)/Italy: Ianieri Edizioni, 2020, pp. 486-490.
Digitales Reisen: Der Zauber der UNESCO-Fresken in Genua
Digitales Reisen: Der Zauber der UNESCO-Fresken und Palastarchitektur von Genua, article about the UNESCO World Cultural Heritage in Genoa, Italy, online publication on KulturPort.De, 15.5.2020.
Ennio Morricone: "In Zeiten von Corona tröstet Musik nicht"
Ennio Morricone: "In Zeiten von Corona tröstet Musik nicht", [news edited by Dagmar Reichardt], online publication on KulturPort.De, 25.3.2020.
Fernando Ortiz and His Impact on Europe
"Creating notions of Transculturality: The Work of Fernando Ortiz and his Impact on Europe", in: World Literature and the Postcolonial. Narratives of (Neo) Colonialization in a Globalized World, edited by Elke Sturm-Trigonakis (ed.), Berlin/Heidelberg: J.B. Metzler, 2020, pp. 69-83 [revised edition of my essay first issued in 2018].
Follow Arts - Texts by Claus Friede
Follow Arts. Texte zu digitalen Welten und analogen Formaten von Claus Friede, edited by Dagmar Reichardt and Gudrun Thiessen-Schneider (Ed.), with an introduction by Dagmar Reichardt, vol. 5 of the book series Transcultural Studies – Interdisciplinary Literature and Humanities for Sustainable Societies (TSIL) edited by Dagmar Reichardt, Rotraud von Kulessa and Costantino Maeder, Berlin et al.: Peter Lang, 2020, 580 pp.
Read more (reviews, notices)
Marion Hinz: „Follow Arts“: Eine Lebensleistung in ausgewählten Texten von Claus Friede, (section: "Follow Book"), online publication on www.kultur-port.de, 9.9.2020.
Hamburger Autorenvereinigung (HAV): September 2020: Neues von der Hamburger Autorenvereinigung - Neue Bücher, online publication on hh-av.de, 22.9.2020.
CFCA (Claus Friede*Contemporary Arts): title-display on the company's website, online publication on cfca.mailchimpsites.com, September 2020.
Agnese Čulka, Georg Lehmann, Nelda Ošeniece-Bičkovska & Anna Unger: Das „Ferment“ der glokalen Kunst- und Kulturszene – Follow Arts von Claus Friede, online publication in Mail aus Riga, n. 134 (2020), pp. 8-13.
Gratis lesen während der Corona-Krise
Gratis Lesen: Großzügige Gesten während der Corona-Krise, [news edited by Dagmar Reichardt], online publication on KulturPort.De, 1.4.2020.
Iain Chambers: The Postcolonial Sound of the Global South
Iain Chambers: Der postkoloniale Sound des Globalen Südens, [interview with Iain Chambers by Dagmar Reichardt], online publication on www.kultur-port.de, 19.6.2020.
Igiaba Scego: "Würstchen"
Igiaba Scego: "Würstchen", German translation by Dagmar Reichardt of the short story Salsicce (2005; English translation: Sausages, Italian original: Igiaba Scego: Salsicce, in: Pecore nere. Racconti, edited by Flavia Capitani and Emanuele Coen, Torino-Bari, Laterza, 2005, pp. 23-36), online publication on KulturPort.De, 3.2.2020.
Interview with the Sicilian-German Singer-Songwriter Etta Scollo
"La musica è espressione di una voce come di un coro: Intervista 'polifonica' a Etta Scollo", [interview with the Sicilian-German singer-songwriter Etta Scollo edited by Dagmar Reichardt and Piero Carbone], in: Polifonia musicale. Le tante vie delle melodie italiane in un mondo transculturale, edited by Dagmar Reichardt, Domenica Elisa Cicala, Donatella Brioschi and Mariella Martini-Merschmann (Ed.), with a preface by Dagmar Reichardt and Domenica Elisa Cicala, Firenze: Franco Cesati Editore, (Civiltà italiana. Terza serie, no. 32), 2020, pp. 225-236.
Literary Migrations in 18th Century Italy: from Movement to Stability
Migrazioni letterarie nel Settecento italiano: dal movimento alla stabilità, edited and with a preface by Sara Garau (Ed.), vol. 6 of the book series Transcultural Studies – Interdisciplinary Literature and Humanities for Sustainable Societies (TSIL) edited by Dagmar Reichardt, Rotraud von Kulessa and Costantino Maeder, Berlin et al.: Peter Lang, 2020, 274 pp.
Livestream zum „Sieg der Erinnerung am 8. Mai“ umrahmt von Kunst und Kultur
Livestream zum „Sieg der Erinnerung am 8. Mai“ umrahmt von Kunst und Kultur, [news edited by Dagmar Reichardt], online publication on KulturPort.De, 8.5.2020.
Poetic Contact and Hybrid Intersectionality: 750 Years after Dante
"750 anni dalla nascita di Dante Alighieri e oltre. Zone di contatto poetico e intersezionalità ibrida nelle traduzioni germanofone e neerlandesi della Divina Commedia", in: L'interculturel: Quel défits et problématiques aux niveaux européen et international?, edited by Marina Geat and Viviane Devriésère (ed.), (Le ragioni di Erasmus, vol. 3), in cooperation with the Dipartimento di Scienze della Formazione dell’Università Roma Tre and the ISFEC d’Aquitaine, Bordeaux, Rome: Roma Tre Press, 2020, pp. 247-266.
Polifonia musicale. Le tante vie delle melodie italiane in un mondo transculturale
Polifonia musicale. Le tante vie delle melodie italiane in un mondo transculturale, edited by Dagmar Reichardt, Domenica Elisa Cicala, Donatella Brioschi and Mariella Martini-Merschmann (Ed.), with a preface by Dagmar Reichardt and Domenica Elisa Cicala, with an interview with the Sicilian-German singer-songwriter Etta Scollo, Firenze: Franco Cesati Editore, (Civiltà italiana. Terza serie, no. 32), 2020, 248 pp.
Read more (reviews, notices)
Gerhild Fuchs: "Dagmar Reichardt / Domenica Elisa Cicala / Donatella Brioschi / Mariella Martini-Merschmann (ed.): Polifonia musicale. Le tante vie delle melodie italiane in un mondo transculturale.Firenze: Franco Cesati, 2020. ISBN 9788876678264. 248 pagiine", in: ATeM - Archiv für Textmusikforschung (Archives of Text and Music Studies), online journal of the Center "Textmusik in der Romania - Chansonarchiv Innsbruck" at the University of Innsbruck, Austria, n.7,1 / 2022 ["Romanautor*innen : Songautor*innen", Jg. 2022], "Rezensionen", 23.1.2023, DOI: https://doi.org/10.15203/ATeM_2022_1, online: https://atem-journal.com/index.php/ATeM/article/view/4059/3302 [PDF, 6 pp.].
Piero Carbone: "È uscito il volume Polifonia musicale. L'atteso annuncio di Dagmar Reichardt", in: Archivio e pensamenti, [blog], 19.6.2020, https://archivioepensamenti.blogspot.com/2020/06/e-uscito-il-volume-polifonia-musicale.html.
Piero Carbone: Online video book presentation in Italy, Teatro Re Grillo, Licata/Sicily, 20.9.2020, 20:30 h: http://www.comune.licata.ag.it/news/evento-rosa-balisteri/ (Piero Carbone presents the book Polifonia musicale, donating it to the library of Licata - view Piero Carbone's video appearance at min. 50:05'-1:00').
Luigi Saitta: "Gli atti di un convegno dell’Aipi. La colonna sonora della globalizzazione", in: Succede oggi. Cultura nell'informazion quotidiana, 10.11.2020, http://www.succedeoggi.it/2020/11/la-colonna-sonora-della-globalizzazione/.
Title display in: ATeM - Archiv für Textmusikforschung (Archives of Text and Music Studies), online journal of the Center "Textmusik in der Romania - Chansonarchiv Innsbruck" at the University of Innsbruck, Austria, n. 5,1 ["Gesetzlose Lieder", Jg. 2021], "Neuerscheinungen / Nouvelles publications / New Publications", p. 2 (section "Forum"), DOI: https://doi.org/10.15203/ATeM_2020_1, online: https://atem-journal.com/ojs2/index.php/ATeM/article/view/2020_1.22/2796 [PDF, p. 2].
Structural Racism: Online Conference on 14th of July 2020
„Struktureller Rassismus“: Einladung zur Online-Konferenz, 14. Juli 2020, [news edited by Dagmar Reichardt], online publication on KulturPort.De, 12.7.2020.
The Polyphonic Idea as a Universal Italophone language
"L'idea polifonica come linguaggio italofono universale", introduction by Dagmar Reichardt and Domenica Elisa Cicala in: Polifonia musicale. Le tante vie delle melodie italiane in un mondo transculturale, edited by Dagmar Reichardt, Domenica Elisa Cicala, Donatella Brioschi and Mariella Martini-Merschmann (Ed.), with a preface by Dagmar Reichardt and Domenica Elisa Cicala, with an interview with the Sicilian-German singer-songwriter Etta Scollo, Firenze: Franco Cesati Editore, (Civiltà italiana. Terza serie, no. 32), 2020, pp. 13-22.
Read more (reviews, notices)
Piero Carbone: "È uscito il volume Polifonia musicale. L'atteso annuncio di Dagmar Reichardt", in: Archivio e pensamenti, [blog], 19.6.2020, https://archivioepensamenti.blogspot.com/2020/06/e-uscito-il-volume-polifonia-musicale.html.
Piero Carbone: Online video book presentation in Italy, Teatro Re Grillo, Licata/Sicily, 20.9.2020, 20:30 h: http://www.comune.licata.ag.it/news/evento-rosa-balisteri/ (Piero Carbone presents the book Polifonia musicale, donating it to the library of Licata - view Piero Carbone's video appearance at min. 50:05'-1:00').
Luigi Saitta: "Gli atti di un convegno dell’Aipi. La colonna sonora della globalizzazione", in: Succede oggi. Cultura nell'informazion quotidiana, 10.11.2020, http://www.succedeoggi.it/2020/11/la-colonna-sonora-della-globalizzazione/.
The Princess of Asturias Award goes to Ennio Morricone and John Williams
Der Prinzessin-von-Asturien-Preis geht an Ennio Morricone und John Williams, [news edited by Dagmar Reichardt], online publication on KulturPort.De, 6.6.2020.
Transculturalism - Encyclopedic Entry Treccani
"Transculturalismo'", in: Enciclopedia Italiana di scienze, lettere ed arti - Decima Appendice, [former title: Parole del XXI Secolo], encyclopedic entry authored by Dagmar Reichardt and Igiaba Scego, encyclopedia edited by Istituto della Enciclopedia Italiana fondata da Giovanni Treccani, vol. 2 ("L-Z"), Rome, 2020, pp. 649-652.
For the English translation of this article cfr. our publication of the contribution about Transculturalism on Diacritica (special issue, 44/2, 25.5.2022, pp. 59-67).
Read more (reviews, notices)
Raffaele Taddeo: "Verso una letteratura transculturale", in: Transculturale: Passaggi tra scienze, pratiche di trasformazione. Rivista semestrale di Studi transculturali, vol. 1/2022, DOI 10.7413/tran0007, pp, 107-116, qui p. 108, online: https://mimesisjournals.com/ojs/index.php/transculturale/article/view/1844 (15.6.2022).
Crisis & Crises in Europe 2019: Migration - Brexit - New World Order
Europas Krise(n) 2019: Migration - Brexit - Neue Weltordnung, comment about the "Vigoni Forum" focused on "Sustainability, Creativity, Development" ("Nachhaltigkeit, Kreativität, Entwicklung - Sostenibilità, creatività, sviluppo"), held at Villa Vigoni, German-Italian Center for European Excellence, 4.-6.7.2019, Villa Vigoni, Loveno di Menaggio, online publication on www.kultur-port.de, 12.7.2019.
Dacia Maraini: "Three Women" - and the Mafia
Dacia Maraini: "Drei Frauen" - und die Mafia, review of the newly released German translation of Maraini's novel Tre donne ("Three women") including a public academic interview with Dacia Maraini about the Mafia realized at Augsburg University, Germany, online publication on www.kultur-port.de, 23.2.2019.
Dacia Maraini: Book Presentation and Open Debate
Dacia Maraini - Buchvorstellung und Gespräch, online publication on www.kultur-port.de, News, 25.1.2019.
Ennio Morricone: Farewell-Tour 2019
Ennio Morricone: Farewell Tour 2019, review of the Farewell Tour Concert in Berlin with an exclusive interview with Ennio Morricone, online publication on www.kultur-port.de, 28.1.2019.
Intellectual Incarnation of the "New Italian": Igiaba Scego
Intellektuelle Inkarnation der "Neuen Italienerin": Igiaba Scego, interview with the writer Igiaba Scego, online publication on www.kultur-port.de, 29.7.2019.
Read more (reviews, notices)
Martha Kleinhans: "Vorwort" [preface], in: Igiaba Scego: Dismatria und weitere Texte, translated by Ruth Mader-Koltay, with a preface by Martha Kleinhans, Birkach: Nonsolo, 2020, pp. 7/8 and 10 [quoting the interview with Igiaba Scego conducted by Dagmar Reichardt].
Letizia Battaglia: Retrospective in Venice
Letizia Battaglia: Retrospektive in Venedig, article about Letizia Battaglia's retrospective in Venice 2019 and her career in the art of photography, online publication on www.kultur-port.de, 13.8.2019.
Mysterious, Beautiful Genoa and "The Rolli Days"
Geheimnisvolles, schönes Genua - die "Rolli Days", co-authored with Claus Friede, online publication on www.kultur-port.de, 24.4.2019.
Natale Tedesco: "The Tree of Riga"
"Natale Tedesco: Der Baum von Riga" [poem L'albero di Riga written by the Sicilian italianist Natale Tedesco (1931-2016) in 1979], in: Mail aus Riga. Internationales Kultur- und Medienmanagement , n. 131, year 01/2019, p. 8-9.
Nomadic Traditions and Translations: Transcultural Switching in the Italophone Work of Jhumpa Lahiri
"Tradizioni e traduzioni nomadi: la tecnica del Transcultural Switching nell'opera italofona di Jhumpa Lahiri", in: "In limine". Frontiere e integrazioni, edited by Diego Poli (Ed.), Roma: Il Calamo, (Episteme dell'antichità e oltre, no. 18), 2019, pp. 781-796.
Nomadische Literatur und "Transcultural Switching": Jhumpa Lahiri
"Nomadische Literatur und Transcultural Switching: Jhumpa Lahiris italophones Migrationstagebuch In altre parole (2015) - In Other Words (2016) - Mit anderen Worten (2017)", in: Eva-Tabea Meineke / Anne-Rose Mayer / Stephanie Neu-Wendel / Eugenio Spediacato (ed.), Aufgeschlossene Beziehungen: Italien und Deutschland im transkulturellen Dialog. Literatur, Film, Medien, "Rezeptionskulturen in Literatur- und Mediengeschichte" vol. 9 - 2019, Würzburg, Königshausen & Neumann, 2019, pp. 243-266.
The Cultural Project PA.RI.VI between Palermo - Riga - Vienna
"Natale Tedesco, ein „Sizilianer in Riga“ – und „Riga auf Sizilien“: Das Kulturprojekt PA.RI.VI, Palermo – Riga – Wien 2018" [about a trip to Riga done by the Sicilian italianist Natale Tedesco in 1979, the Latvian-Sicilian cultural relations, and the contemporary cultural project PA.RI.VI between Palermo, Riga and Vienna], in: Mail aus Riga. Internationales Kultur- und Medienmanagement , n. 131, year 01/2019, pp. 10-13.
The Painter Giovanni Segantini in Ticino
"Feuer der Kunst: Giovanni Segantini im Tessin", review of a book and art exhibition on the work of 19th century Swiss painter Giovanni Segantini and portrait of the artist, online publication on www.kultur-port.de, 9.5.2019.
The Unbounded Destiny of Giovanni Verga's Cross-Media Writing in Post-1918 Italy
"Il destino (s)confinante transmediale dell'opera verghiana nell'Italia post-1918", in: Dario Prola and Stefano Rosatti (ed.), Sponde, confini, trincee: l'Italia nell'Europa post-1918, "Italipolis. Collana di studi italianistici" vol. 1, Warsaw, Wydawnictwo DIG, 2019, pp. 63-70.
Transkulturelle Gewaltdiskurse im europäischen Comic
"Transkulturelle Gewaltdiskurse im europäischen Comic: Die postmoderne Repräsentation der afrikanischen Kolonialerfahrung Italiens in der Mini-Serie Volto Nascosto (2007-2008) von Gianfranco Manfredi", in: Robert Fajen (ed.), Serialität in der italienischen Kultur. Serialità nella cultura italiana, "Romania Viva: Texte und Studien zu Literatur und Film der Romania im 19., 20. und 21. Jahrhundert" vol. 29, Berlin, Bern et al., Peter Lang, 2019, pp. 187-222.
Vilnius - From the Italian Soul of Northern Europe to the "Baltic Way"
Vilnius - Die italienische Seele Nordeuropas, a transcultural city-portrait of Vilnius, co-authored with Gintarė Kavaliūnaitė, online publication on www.kultur-port.de, 09.09.2019.
Vilnius - From the Italian Soul of Northern Europe to the "Baltic Way"
100 Years of Latvia: Thumbs up for Mittens
"100 Jahre Lettland: Handschuh-Daumen hoch", Kultur-Port.de, online publication on www.kultur-port.de, 18.11.2018.
50 Years of Herstory (1968-2018): A Film by Concita De Gregorio
"50 Jahre Frauengeschichte (1968-2018): Ein Film von Concita De Gregorio", Kultur-Port.de, online publication on www.kultur-port.de, 24.10.2018.
Antonio Tabucchi and the Visual Arts
Michela Meschini: Antonio Tabucchi and the Visual Arts - Images, Visions, and Insights, vol. 4 of the book series Transcultural Studies – Interdisciplinary Literature and Humanities for Sustainable Societies (TSIL) edited by Dagmar Reichardt, Rotraud von Kulessa and Costantino Maeder, Berlin et al.: Peter Lang, 2018, 170 pp.
Bonaviri: From Phantastic Autobiography to Transcultural Life Worlds
"Giuseppe Bonaviri (1924-2009). Von phantastisch überhöhter Autobiographie zum transkulturellen Werk- und Lebensentwurfi", in: Florian Steger and Katharina Fürholzer (ed.), Jahrbuch Literatur und Medizin, vol. 10, Heidelberg, Universitätsverlag Winter, 2018, pp. 137-147.
Creating Notions of Transculturality: The Work of Fernando Ortiz
"Creating Notions of Transculturality: The Work of Fernando Ortiz and his Impact on Europe", in: Komparatistik: Jahrbuch der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Allgemeine und Vergleichende Literaturwisssenschaft 2017, edited by Joachim Harst, Christian Moser and Linda Simonis (Ed.), under the supervision of the Board of the German Society for General and Comparative Studies of Literature (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Allgemeine und Vergleichende Literaturwissenschaft DGAVL), Bielefeld: Aisthesis, 2018, pp. 67-82 [a slightly revised and updated second edition of this essay has been published in 2020 in the volume World Literature and the Postcolonial. Narratives of (Neo) Colonialization in a Globalized World, edited by Elke Sturm-Trigonakis].
Read more (reviews, notices)
Terence David Kumpf: Towards A New Transaesthetics: Rap Music in Germany and the United States [Ph.D. Dissertation | Erlangung der Würde des Doktors der Philosophie in der Fakultät Kulturwissenschaften der Technischen Universität Dortmund], RuhrCenter of American Studies, TU Dortmund University (FK 15 Kulturwissenschaften), referees: Prof. Dr. Walter Grünzweig (TU Dortmund University, Germany) and Senior Lecturer Justin A. Williams (Bristol University, UK), Dortmund, 2018, online: https://www.academia.edu/76693643/Towards_a_new_transaesthetics_rap_music_in_Germany_and_the_United_States, p. 19 ff.
Etta Scollo's 60th Anniversary
"Weltmusikalisches Crossover - fließende Gefühle: Etta Scollo zum 60. Geburtstag", Kultur-Port.de, online publication on www.kultur-port.de, 26.5.2018.