Elvira Mujčić About "The Language of Ana"
"Elvira Mujčić: 'Die Sprache von Ana'", [pre-translation from Italian into German of some fragments of the novel La lingua di Ana by author Elvira Mujčić], online publication on www.kultur-port.de, 11.5.2024.
Elvira Mujčić: "I Condense Times, Themes, Views"
"Elvira Mujčić: 'Ich verdichte Zeiten, Themen, Blicke'", [collaborative interview with author Elvira Mujčić and the organizers of the international congress Quo vadis, italiano 2024? at the University of Graz / Austria], online publication on www.kultur-port.de, 10.5.2024.
The Italophone Literature in the Light of Paradigm Shifts within a Collective Glocal Identity
"La letteratura italofona transculturale dal XII al XXI secolo alla luce dei cambi di paradigma di una identità glocale collettiva", in: Tatiana Petrovich Njegosh / Franca Sinopoli (eds.), Studi transnazionali. Casi e strumenti interdisciplinari, Roma, Lithos, 2024, pp. 81-112.
The Transcultural Leitmotiv of War and Peace in the Italian Cinema
Il leitmotiv transculturale di Guerra e Pace nel cinema di migrazione italofono, co-authored with Ada Plazzo, in: Mosaico italiano - Interviste sulla storia e la cultura letteraria, online magazine under the auspices of the Italian Cultural Institute Rio de Janeiro and the Italian departments of public universities in Brazil, edited by Comunità Rio de Janeiro - Brasil, Anno XXI / n. 229, December 2023, pp. 8-15.
European Paths to World Culture, Culture Mapping, and the VUCA Effect
"European Paths to World Culture, Culture Mapping, and the VUCA Effect: Transcultural Reconfigurations of the Relations between Italy and Germany", in: Franca Sinopoli & Silvia Contarini (eds.), Transculturalità: un concetto operativo in Europa?, (Studi Transnazionali / Transnational Studies, vol. 6), Roma, Lithos, 2023, pp. 37-61.
Read more (reviews, notices)
Silvia Contarini, Ugo Fracassa, Tatiana Petrovich Njegosh, and Franca Sinopoli: Transcultural Europe in the Global World - A Jean Monnet Project/Erasmus+ Programme (project and book presentations), Sapienza Università di Roma, MOWE, Palazzina Tumminelli Viale dell'Università, 36, 00185 Roma, 19.5.2023, 10:00-12.00 h.
"Growing*Together": Art Therapists Meet in Riga at Midsummer 2023
"Growing*Together": Europäische Kunsttherapeuten tagen in Riga, [collaborative report of the EFAT congress about art therapy], authored by Dagmar Reichardt and 12 students from the Latvian Academy of Culture, online publication on www.kultur-port.de, 4.6.2023.
Mario Desiati about "The Expatriates" and the South as a "Bridging Territory of the Soul"
"The Expatriates – Spatriati – and the South as a Bridging Territory of the Soul. Interview with Mario Desiati conducted by Dagmar Reichardt", in: Alfredo Ancora & Raffaele Tumino (eds.), Transculturale: Passaggi tra scienze, pratiche di trasformazione, (Conversazioni impossibili), (anno II / n. 3), Milano - Udine, Mimesis, 2023, pp. 91-99.
Stefano Calabrese: Neuro-Narratology: The Neural Secrets of Narration, volume 15 of the book series Transcultural Studies – Interdisciplinary Literature and Humanities for Sustainable Societies (TSIL) edited by Dagmar Reichardt, Rotraud von Kulessa and Costantino Maeder, Berlin et al., Peter Lang, 2023, 124 pp.
Pioneering Verga
Verga antesignano: orrore, poesia e tecnica dello straniamento in "Tentazione!", in: Antonino Antonazzo, Giorgio Forni, Francesco Galatà & Maria Melania Vitale (ed.): Le «miniature» di Verga: narrativa breve e scena del mondo, vol. 6 of the book series Biblioteca della Fondazione Verga Serie Convegni N.S., edited by Fondazione Verga, Fondazione Verga - Euno Edizioni, 2023, pp. 261-275.
Stefan Çapaliku - A Hilarious Reflection of Absurd and Tragic Communism
Stefan Çapaliku: Si një pasqyrë gazmore e komunizmit absurd dhe tragjik. Intervistoi prof. Dagmar Reichardt [interview with Albanian writer Stefan Çapaliku: "Stefan Çapaliku: A hilarious reflection of absurd and tragic communism"], in: Ex Libris, directed by Bujar Hudhri, n. 219, 11.2.2023, pp. 1-5.
Translation from German into Albanian of Dagmar Reichardt's interview with the Albanian writer Stefan Çapaliku published on 23.1.2023 on Kultur-Port.De.
Stefan Çapaliku: "Everybody Gets Crazy in His Own Way"
Stefan Çapaliku:"Jeder wird verrückt auf seine Art", [interview with the Albanian writer Stefan Çapaliku about postcommunist times in the Balkans on the occasion of the German translation of his most recent novel], online publication on www.kultur-port.de, 23.1.2023.
The Significance of Inclusive, Rhizomatic and Transversal Coexistence Parameters
"Transkulturelle Neukonfigurationen des deutsch-italienischen Beziehungsgeflechts: Europäische Wege zur Weltkultur und die Bedeutung inklusiv, rhizomatisch und transversal ausgerichteter Koexistenzparameter", in: Antje Lobin & Eva-Tabea Meineke (eds.), Baustein für Europa: Italien im Fokus deutschsprachiger Bildung, München, AVM - Akademische Verlagsgemeinschaft München, 2023, pp. 25-62.
Wolfgang Welsch on the Venice Biennale 2022/23
"Wolfgang Welsch on Transdisciplinarity, the Network-Design of all Things and the Venice Biennale 2022/23: An interview conducted by Dagmar Reichardt" [English translation of an interview originally released on 17.5.2022 for the German internet feuilleton Kultur-Port.DE], in: Novecento Transnazionale. Letterature, arti e culture | Transnational 20th Century: Literatures, Arts and Cultures, review published by the Department of Literature and Modern Culture of the Sapienza Università di Roma, (E-ISSN 2532-1994), vol. 7 (2023): Esperienze complesse della memoria: immagini, testi, luoghi, oggetti ("Complex Experiences of Memory: Images, Texts, Places, Objects"), section: Focus, online: https://doi.org/10.13133/2532-1994/18324, pp. 74-83.
Interview with German Philosopher Wolfgang Welsch
Wolfgang Welsch über Transdisziplinarität, den „Netzwerkcharakter aller Dinge“ und die Biennale di Venezia 2022, [interview with the German philosopher Wolfgang Welsch about transdisciplinarity, transculturality and the International Venice Biennale 2022], co-authored with Wolfgang Welsch, online publication on www.kultur-port.de, 17.5.2022.
"Herstory" and the Potential of Female Transformation "Between" Modernity and Postmodernity
"Herstory und weibliches Transformationspotenzial zwischen Moderne und Postmoderne. Auf der transkulturellen Suche nach Dacia Marainis matriarchaler Familiengeschichte", [Geleitwort der Herausgeberin | Preface as editor of the book series], in: Daria Rizzello: Reisen, Erzählungen und Erinnerungen von fünf Maraini-Frauen. Eine transgenerationale Familientopografie, [doctoral thesis at Universität Bonn as a double degree with Università di Firenze], volume 14 of the book series Transcultural Studies – Interdisciplinary Literature and Humanities for Sustainable Societies (TSIL) edited by Dagmar Reichardt, Rotraud von Kulessa and Costantino Maeder, with a preface by Dagmar Reichardt, Berlin et al.: Peter Lang, 2022, pp. 5-13.
"Porno - Theo - Kolossal" by Pier Paolo Pasolini
Porno - Theo - Kolossal. Pasolinis letztes Filmprojekt, authored by Pier Paolo Pasolini, translated from Italian into German by Dagmar Reichardt, edited by Dagmar Reichardt and Reinhold Zwick (Ed.), with accompanying texts by Dagmar Reichardt and Reinhold Zwick, translated with the help of a translation grant from the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation (Ministero degli Affari Esteri e della Cooperazione Internazionale MAECI), printed with the support of the Catholic Academy Hamburg (Katholische Akademie Hamburg), Marburg: Schüren, 2022, 204 pp.
Read more (reviews, notices)
Hans Helmut Prinzler: "Porno-Theo-Kolossal", persönliche Webseite, 12.8.2022.
Kaiser, Christian: "Reinhold Zwick, Dagmar Reichardt (Hg.): Pier Paolo Pasolini – Porno–Theo–Kolossal: Pasolinis letztes Filmprojekt". In: MEDIENwissenschaft: Rezensionen | Reviews, vol. 40 (2023), number 1, pp. 99– 100. DOI: https://doi.org/10.25969/mediarep/19347.
"ЯƎ" - How to Turn Contemporary Art into a Collective Rebirth
„.ЯƎ“ – Renaissance der Menschlichkeit. Gegenwartskunst in Palermo, [review of the exposition of contemporary art "ЯƎ – In a Virtual Age, Sixteen Artists Face ‘Reality’ for a Collective Rebirth" in Palermo, Sicily], online publication on www.kultur-port.de, 12.12.2022.
100 Years of Pier Paolo Pasolini: "Porno - Theo - Kolossal" in German
100 Jahre Pasolini und sein letzter Film: "Porno - Theo - Kolossal", [preview of the filmscript "Porno-Teo-Kolossal" by Pier Paolo Pasolini translated in the German language], online publication on www.kultur-port.de, 16.7.2022.
Amanda Gorman's Inauguration Metaphor "The Hill We Climb"
"Den Hügel hinauf" – Amanda Gormans Inaugurationsmetapher als Sinnbild nationaler und internationaler Krisenketten [article about Amanda Gorman's Inauguration Poem The Hill We Climb in its didactical significance during the COVID-19 pandemic], online publication in Mail aus Riga, n. 135 (2022), pp. 10-14.
Dante Beyond Western Reception
"Dante jenseits der abendländischen Rezeption. Wie Philalethes' deutschsprachige Übersetzung der Commedia von 1849 in die Niederlande kam und im dritten Millennium in Kapstadt Afrikaans wurde", in: Irmgard Scharold (Ed.), Dante intermedial. Die "Divina Commedia" in Literatur und Medien, Würzburg, Königshausen & Neumann, 2022, pp. 439-464.
Fifty Shades of Transcultural Interstices in Contemporary Italophone Feminist Fiction Reread "in Triangle"
"Scego - Lahiri - Maraini. Cinquanta sfumature di interstizi transculturali nella narrativa femminista italofona contemporanea riletta a triangolo", in: Transculturalità e plurilinguismi nella letteratura italiana degli anni duemila, edited by Alessandro Benucci, Silvia Contarini and Giuliana Pias, Firenze, Cesati, (Quaderni della rassegna, vol. 211), 2022, pp. 57-76.
Forms and Uses of Argument: Transdisciplinary Aspects of Figurative Language from Aesthetics to Neuroscience
Stefano Calabrese & Annamaria Contini (eds.): Forms and Uses of Argument: Transdisciplinary Aspects of Figurative Language: from Aesthetics to Neuroscience, volume 13 of the book series Transcultural Studies – Interdisciplinary Literature and Humanities for Sustainable Societies (TSIL) edited by Dagmar Reichardt, Rotraud von Kulessa and Costantino Maeder, with a preface by Dagmar Reichardt, Berlin et al., Peter Lang, 2022, 135 pp.
From Image to Icon
"Introduzione: Dall'immagine all'icona - congiunture e svincoli semiotici, metodologici e paradigmatici tra imagologia, comunicazione e transculturalità", co-authored with Domenica Elisa Cicala, in: Icone della transculturalità. Concetti, modelli e immagini per una didattica della cultura italiana nel terzo millennio, edited by Dagmar Reichardt and Domenica Elisa Cicala, Firenze, Cesati, 2022, pp. 9-26.
Herstory and Female Transformational Potential in Dacia Maraini's Matriarchal Family History
"Herstory und weibliches Transformationspotenzial 'zwischen' Moderne und Postmoderne: Auf der Suche nach Dacia Marainis matriarchaler Familiengeschichte" [foreword], in: Daria Rizzello: Reisen, Erzählungen und Erinnerungen von fünf Maraini-Frauen. Eine transgenerationale Familientopografie, [doctoral thesis at Universität Bonn as a double degree with Università di Firenze], volume 14 of the book series Transcultural Studies – Interdisciplinary Literature and Humanities for Sustainable Societies (TSIL) edited by Dagmar Reichardt, Rotraud von Kulessa and Costantino Maeder, with a preface by Dagmar Reichardt, Berlin et al., Peter Lang, 2022, pp. 5-13.
Interview About the German-Latvian Dialogue
Interview mit Klaus Peter Nebel [Interview about the German-Latvian dialogue, Latvia`s position in Europe, and about the history of the German-Latvian Department at the Latvian Academy of Culture in Riga with Klaus Peter Nebel, co-authored by Dagmar Reichardt and Claus Friede], online publication in Mail aus Riga, n. 135 (2022), pp. 5-7.
Italian Icons of Transculturality
Icone della transculturalità. Concetti, modelli e immagini per una didattica della cultura italiana nel terzo millennio, edited by Dagmar Reichardt and Domenica Elisa Cicala, Firenze, Cesati, (Civiltà italiana. Terza serie, vol. 50), 2022, 160 pp.
Literary Glocalization
"Giuseppe Bonaviri's Book of Stone (1984-2009): A Blueprint for Literary Glocalization", in: Colloquium Helveticum: Literarische Glokalisierung - Glocalisation littéraire - Literary Glocalization, edited by Philippe P. Haensler, Stefanie Heine, and Sandro Zanetti, (Swiss Review of General and Comparative Literature, vol. 51), Bielefeld, Aisthesis, 2022, pp. 135-151.
Maria Montessori & the Cosmic Education
"Maria Montessori: Dalla pedagogia scientifica ed Educazione cosmica a una glottodidattica transculturale", co-authored with Ada Plazzo, in: Icone della transculturalità. Concetti, modelli e immagini per una didattica della cultura italiana nel terzo millennio, edited by Dagmar Reichardt and Domenica Elisa Cicala, Firenze, Cesati, 2022, pp. 51-74.
Mosaico italiano: migrazioni culturali tra Italia e America Latina
Wolfgang Welsch sulla transdisciplinarità: il “carattere a rete” di tutte le cose e la Biennale di Venezia 2022/23 [interview with the German philosopher Wolfgang Welsch about transdisciplinarity, transculturality and the International Venice Biennale 2022/23], co-authored with Wolfgang Welsch, in: Mosaico italiano - Parole, immagini, figure: migrazioni culturali tra Italia e America latina, online magazine under the auspices of the Italian Cultural Institute Rio de Janeiro and the Italian departments of public universities in Brazil, October 2022, edited by Comunità Rio de Janeiro - Brasil, pp. 46-53.
Narrare l’invasione: Traiettorie e rinnovamento del fantastico novecentesco
Davide Carnevale: Narrare l’invasione: Traiettorie e rinnovamento del fantastico novecentesco, [doctoral thesis at La Sapienza Università di Roma], volume 12 of the book series Transcultural Studies – Interdisciplinary Literature and Humanities for Sustainable Societies (TSIL) edited by Dagmar Reichardt, Rotraud von Kulessa and Costantino Maeder, Berlin et al.: Peter Lang, 2022, 308 pp.
Pasolini's "Porno - Theo - Kolossal" in German Language
Porno - Theo - Kolossal. Pasolinis letztes Filmprojekt, authored by Pier Paolo Pasolini, translated from Italian into German by Dagmar Reichardt, edited by Dagmar Reichardt and Reinhold Zwick (Ed.), with accompanying texts by Dagmar Reichardt and Reinhold Zwick, translated with the help of a translation grant from the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation (Ministero degli Affari Esteri e della Cooperazione Internazionale MAECI), printed with the support of the Catholic Academy Hamburg (Katholische Akademie Hamburg), Marburg: Schüren, 2022, 204 pp.
Pasolini's Imperfect Perfection
"Pasolinis unvollendete Vollkommenheit. Eine transkulturelle Relektüre von Porno - Theo - Kolossal in deutscher Übersetzung", accompanying text authored by Dagmar Reichardt [about the transcultural potential and translation into German of Pier Paolo Pasolini's book Porno - Teo - Kolossal], in: Porno - Theo - Kolossal. Pasolinis letztes Filmprojekt, authored by Pier Paolo Pasolini, translated from Italian into German by Dagmar Reichardt, edited by Dagmar Reichardt and Reinhold Zwick (Ed.), with accompanying texts by Dagmar Reichardt and Reinhold Zwick, translated with the help of a translation grant from the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation (Ministero degli Affari Esteri e della Cooperazione Internazionale MAECI), printed with the support of the Catholic Academy Hamburg (Katholische Akademie Hamburg), Marburg: Schüren, 2022, pp. 137-202.
Prix Erica – European Media, Culture, and Science Award 2022
Prix Erica – European Media, Culture, and Science Award 2022 in Hamburg an Claus Friede vergeben, [news about the awarding of the Swiss "Prix Erica" for the lifetime achievement of the German art curator, cultural mediator, professor, journalist and author Claus Friede presented by the Association HAV - Hamburger Autorenvereinigung In Hamburg], online publication on www.kultur-port.de, 14.5.2022.
Read more (reviews, notices)
Peter D. Schmidt: "Nach zwei Jahren pandemiebedingten Lockdowns ein kultureller Aufschlag sondersgleichen", on: www.kultur-port.de, 14.5.2022.
Quo vadis, italiano 2020? - Letteratura, cinema, didattica e fumetti
Quo vadis, italiano 2020? - Letteratura, cinema, didattica e fumetti | Literatur, Film, Didaktik und Comics, edited by Simona Bartoli Kucher and Fabrizio Iurlano, vol. 9 of the book series Transcultural Studies – Interdisciplinary Literature and Humanities for Sustainable Societies (TSIL) edited by Dagmar Reichardt, Rotraud von Kulessa and Costantino Maeder, Berlin et al.: Peter Lang, 2022, 254 pp.
Theoretical Approaches to Transculturalism
Theoretical Approaches to Transculturalism: Evolution of the Term, Problems of Demarcation and Their Relevance in Third Millennium Discourses, co-authored with Igiaba Scego, in: Transmedialità e transculturalismo in Pier Paolo Pasolini, edited by Dagmar Reichardt, Marco Marino, and Ugo Perolino, in: Diacritica. Trimestrale indipendente di letteratura, [telematic open access journal registered with the Court of Rome on 31.12.2014, authorization no. 278, Scientific periodical of ANVUR Area 10 - Class A in Literary Criticism and Comparative Literatures (10/F4)], VIII, (44/2), 25.5.2022 (vol. I), first double edition of Diacritica: Letture critiche, special issue published in honour of the centenary of Pier Paolo Pasolini, pp. 59-67.
Transmedialità e transumanizzazione: in onore delle celebrazioni per il primo centenario della nascita di Pier Paolo Pasolini
Introduzione. Transmedialità e transumanizzazione: in onore delle celebrazioni per il primo centenario della nascita di Pier Paolo Pasolini, in: Transmedialità e transculturalismo in Pier Paolo Pasolini, edited by Dagmar Reichardt, Marco Marino, and Ugo Perolino, in: Diacritica. Trimestrale indipendente di letteratura, [telematic open access journal registered with the Court of Rome on 31.12.2014, authorization no. 278, Scientific periodical of ANVUR Area 10 - Class A in Literary Criticism and Comparative Literatures (10/F4)], VIII, (44/2), 25.5.2022 (vol. I), first double edition of Diacritica: Letture critiche, special issue published in honour of the centenary of Pier Paolo Pasolini, pp. 19-38.
Transmediality and Transculturalism: Critical Readings of Pier Paolo Pasolini's Oeuvre
Transmedialità e transculturalismo in Pier Paolo Pasolini, edited by Dagmar Reichardt, Marco Marino, and Ugo Perolino, in: Dhttps://diacritica.it/wp-content/uploads/Diacritica-VIII-44-25maggio2022-vol-I.pdfiacritica. Trimestrale indipendente di letteratura, [telematic open access journal registered with the Court of Rome on 31.12.2014, authorization no. 278, Scientific periodical of ANVUR Area 10 - Class A in Literary Criticism and Comparative Literatures (10/F4)], VIII, (44/2), 25.5.2022 (vol. I), first double edition of Diacritica: Letture critiche, special issue published in honour of the centenary of Pier Paolo Pasolini, 263 pp.
Transmediality and Transhumanization: in Honour of Pier Paolo Pasolini’s First Centenary Celebration
Introduction. Transmediality and Transhumanization: in Honour of Pier Paolo Pasolini’s First Centenary Celebration, in: Transmedialità e transculturalismo in Pier Paolo Pasolini, edited by Dagmar Reichardt, Marco Marino, and Ugo Perolino, in: Diacritica. Trimestrale indipendente di letteratura, [telematic open access journal registered with the Court of Rome on 31.12.2014, authorization no. 278, Scientific periodical of ANVUR Area 10 - Class A in Literary Criticism and Comparative Literatures (10/F4)], VIII, (44/2), 25.5.2022 (vol. I), first double edition of Diacritica: Letture critiche, special issue published in honour of the centenary of Pier Paolo Pasolini, pp. 39-57.
Travels, Narrations, and Memories of five Maraini-Women
Daria Rizzello: Reisen, Erzählungen und Erinnerungen von fünf Maraini-Frauen. Eine transgenerationale Familientopografie, [doctoral thesis at Universität Bonn as a double degree with Università di Firenze], volume 14 of the book series Transcultural Studies – Interdisciplinary Literature and Humanities for Sustainable Societies (TSIL) edited by Dagmar Reichardt, Rotraud von Kulessa and Costantino Maeder, with a preface by Dagmar Reichardt, Berlin et al., Peter Lang, 2022, 300 pp.
Verga - An Italian Flaubert, Dickens or Tolstoy?
"Un Flaubert, Dickens o Tolstoj italiano? Il potenziale transculturale e transmediale dell’opera di Giovanni Verga", in: Studi sul Settecento e l'Ottocento. Rivista internazionale di italianistica, a yearly scientific journal classified as "A" by ANVUR and directed by Anna Bellio, Fabrizio Serra Editore, Pisa / Roma, vol. XVII, 2022, pp. 51-60.
"Labor is invisible" - The Prime Example of Steyr, Austria
"Modellfall Steyr: Arbeit ist unsichtbar", [article about the historical exhibition 2018-2020 about the invisibility of labor - Arbeit ist unsichtbar - combined with an interview with the scientific co-director of this show in the Museum for Labor in Steyr/Austria, Prof. Dr. Harald Welzer], in: Stadtmarketing Austria, online publication: Stadtmarketing.eu, 7.1.2021.
100th Birthday of the Nobel Prize in Literature 1998 José Saramago on the Canary Islands
Die Kanarischen Inseln feiern den 100. Geburtstag des Schriftstellers José Saramago, [Celebration of the 100th birthday of the writer and Nobel Prize in Literature 1998 José Saramago on the Canary Islands], online publication on www.kultur-port.de, 13.12.2021.
Die transkulturelle italophone Literatur
"Die transkulturelle italophone Literatur" [encyclopedic entry], in: Antje Lobin and Eva-Tabea Meineke (ed.), Handbuch Italienisch. Sprache - Literatur - Kultur. Für Studium, Lehre, Praxis, Berlin, Erich Schmidt Verlag, 2021, pp. 428-436.
HERstory - Gender Scandals and Perspectives in a New German tv-Series
"HERstory - Genderskandal und Genderperspektiven als neue TV-Doku-Serie", [article about gender scandals and perspectives in a new German tv-series, featuring Prof. Dr. Vera Regitz-Zagrozek], in: Kultur-Port.De, online publication: Kultur-Port.De, 20.8.2021.
Interview with the German Sociologist Harald Welzer
Harald Welzer: Zeitenwende, die Zukunft der Arbeit und das Ende der europäischen Arbeiterbewegung, [interview with the German sociologist Harald Welzer], online publication on www.kultur-port.de, 1.2.2021.
Italian Fashion and Industrial Design: "Put it on" or: "Use it and Enjoy!"
"Put it on or: Use it and Enjoy! The Transcultural and Synergizing History of Italian Fashion and Industrial Design", online publication in: Culture Crossroads. Journal of the Research Center at the Latvian Academy of Culture, vol. 19 (2021), pp. 285-297.
Mode und Design
"Mode und Design" [encyclopedic entry], in: Antje Lobin and Eva-Tabea Meineke (ed.), Handbuch Italienisch. Sprache - Literatur - Kultur. Für Studium, Lehre, Praxis, Berlin, Erich Schmidt Verlag, 2021, pp. 644-650.
Style, Sense and Senses: The Transcultural Language of Italian Fashion
"Style, Sense and Senses: The Iconic and Transcultural Language of Italian Fashion", in: Diversity and Otherness: Transcultural Insights into Norms, Practices, Negotiations, edited by Lisa Gaupp and Giulia Pelillo-Hestermeyer (Ed.), Berlin/New York, De Gruyter, 2021, pp. 208-244. The book has been published in Open Access by De Gruyter Open Poland under the domain https://doi.org/10.1515/9788366675308.
The Glocal Lyric by Giuseppe Bonaviri: "The Whitest Wind"
Giuseppe Bonaviris glokale Lyrik: „Der weißeste Wind", [portrait of the European Literary Public Parc "The Book of Stone"], online publication on www.kultur-port.de, 12.2.2021.
The Transcultural Italophone Literature
The Transcultural Italophone Literature from its Beginnings Through to the Third Millennium: Italy’s Transnational Role Model for Europe, in: Novecento Transnazionale. Letterature, arti e culture | Transnational 20th Century: Literatures, Arts and Cultures, review published by the Department of Literature and Moderne Culture of the Sapienza Università di Roma, (E-ISSN 2532-1994), 2nd fascicle of vol. 5 (2021), vol. 5, 2 (2021): Nuovi studi di letteratura comparata ("New Studies of Comparative Literature"), pp. 122-135.
Read more (reviews, notices)
Francesca Placidi: "Translingüismo y literatura: retos para la enseñanza y el aprendizaje de las lenguas extranjeras", capítulo 62 (Sección II: Experiencias innovadoras en la enseñanza de lenguas extranjeras) in: Carmen Romero García / Olga Buzón García (Ed.): Innovación e investigación docente en educación: experiencias prácticas, (Colección Conocimiento Contemporáneo, vol. 31), Madrid, Dykinson S.L., 2021, pp. 1331-1355, here: pp. 1345-1346, p. 1354.